• Hi!

    On WordPress.com we have seen some performance issues (mainly with reindexing) because there is no index on the aws_index. This makes most operations on this table very very slow. Can you please add an index on the table. I think just adding an index on the id field should be enough but it’s possible that additional indexes will improve performance and possibly reliability (if you add UNIQUE constraints) even more.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Barry.
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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    Thanks for letting me know about this problem. Indeed I will add some unique key for index table and release this change in the next plugin release.



    We also have some clients who are using MariaDB (Galera) cluster or single servers using InnoDB with the innodb_force_primary_key=1 variable.

    In Galera cluster, the primary key is a requirement for the tables to replicate reliably and InnoDB with that setting won’t create the tables at all.

    Adding a primary or unique key to both tables (aws_index & aws_cache) would make our sysadmins life easier and improve performance on larger sites.


    Adam Henriksen


    Was this ever fixed?

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