• One of the things I get criticized for a lot is being “too mean” when I critique other people’s sites. I don’t see it like that, I see it more as being honest.

    Anyways, it’s only fair that in reviewing this you too be brutally honest.

    The site: https://www.resiny.org/design/

    It’s not all that complicated or flashy, and it’s not meant to be. It’s mean to be a portfolio of sorts, though I don’t really have a portfolio, so it’s mainly just a framework.

    All opinions bad or horrible are welcome (just be constructive)

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  • Thread Starter resiny


    Back to the drawing board I go

    Missed this the first time around.

    What’s currently there doesn’t make my eyes bleed, but I really struggle with the narrow column style. To me (and perhaps only me) it just doesn’t “entice” me to read more.

    Thread Starter resiny


    That’s a valid point…how about now?

    Hi Resiny,

    -header.png is a no anti-alas. This looks not very professional for a Design Company
    -where is the navigation?
    -I don’t like the Horizontal Rules that are standard HTML
    -Your site is not Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional

    If you want to be harsh to, you can review my latest site in the following thread;-) https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/72672?replies=6

    Rado Vleugel
    https://findherdifferences.com (site powerd by WordPress; all the CSS and HTML built from scratch; not based on any theme).

    Thread Starter resiny


    Thank you, I’d rather that than “Oh…nice font”

    header- Yeah, sloppy. I should work on it.

    nav- for some reason I was going to leave it out. I can’t remember what my reasoning was, but I apparently was smoking something pretty heavy. Yes, I should probably put some nav in

    horizontil rule- that was also sort of laziness. I guess I should probably change it

    validator- I personally don’t think it matters that much. www.ads-software.com does not validate, though going through the errors I see things that should be fixed

    thanks for the feedback

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