• Resolved Rachel Biel


    Hi! I sent you a message through your site about whether my theme will work with your plugin as after downloading it, a couple of pages had display issues. I saw that you guys worked for quite a while on it last night, but haven’t heard back from you. The pages look a lot better than they did, but are still not very good. The vendor’s profile page, for example, has issues with the site navigation and sidebar: https://artizanmade.com/vendor/afghantribalarts/

    I sent another email thanking you for working on it, but still have not heard back on whether this is going to work or not. Please respond as soon as possible so that I know what to do.


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  • Hello Rachel,

    Seems like my emails got lost due to some technical glitch or maybe they ended up in your spam folder. Can you please check your spam folder. I am attaching the print for the thread here for your reference- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5DLiY6nuGVvTjNNQ2Y3Q3NpcG8/view?usp=sharing

    In fact, I sent you 3 emails in the morning today from different email IDs but it seems like none of them are reaching to you ??

    Let’s move to the official support forum- https://wc-marketplace.com/support-forum/ so that we can discuss the issues in details.


    Thread Starter Rachel Biel


    How strange, @sandy-wcmp! I rarely get reports of emails not coming through… I also didn’t get a notice that you had posted here. But, no worries, I will go through the support forum.

    Thank you!

    Sure, please reach us through the support forum.


    Thread Starter Rachel Biel


    I created a thread over there but have not had a response. I’m a month behind on this and anxious to move forward so I hope someone can fix the problems I mentioned soon…

    Rachel, we have responded to your thread and also replied to your mail.
    But it seems like somehow they got missed. Anyways please check them and let me know if you have any query. Also, I would like to inform that we are going through the issue and hope to fix them fast.


    Thread Starter Rachel Biel


    Thank you, Rimpa. I’m following you guys over there now. ??

    Okay Rachel ??

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