• https://wagnertech.net/blog/
    I am green when it comes to code, my site is a few months old and I’m looking to for some constructive, informative, and helpful feedback, on the site overall.
    Issues I know I have and can’t seem to fix…
    1) When viewed using FireFox the header won’t center. I can’t seem to correct this.
    2)I would like to have the ” Pages (13) : [1]2 3 ?? … Last ?? ” thats at the bottom of the last post,on the MAIN page, show with a gray background, like the post themselves are.

    Other than that, I average about 250 hits with 400 page views a day. If this beginner needs to make any changes, please let me know and if you would be so kind as to suggest how to make them if its a code thing.

    Thanks in advance
    High Octane

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  • Thread Starter highoctane


    Hmmm, is my site that bad??

    One thing when you click read more it kinda disorientates you. Otherwise its not too bad.

    First problem: took over a minute to load on dialup, and then loaded without a stylesheet (FF 1.5 RC2). Since I couldn’t see a styled page, I can’t address your post.

    I like the Journalized-Winter theme, I’ve considered using it on my site for a 3 column design.

    More importantly, however, I have a question about your content. It seems that you’re just reprinting copyrighted material without regard to crediting the original source. Good way to find yourself in hot water, IMO. Not trying to flame you, I’m just saying…

    BTW, when I installed the WordSpew Live Shoutbox plugin on my site, it increased load time by a factor of 5. I promptly uninstalled it ??

    Thread Starter highoctane


    Thanks for the feedback.
    99% of the material is from Daimler Chrysler media and approved for posting, I’ll have to make that 100%.
    The idea of the site is to bring as much related material to one site.
    The right sidebar loads alittle slow for me,had no idea about the dialup issue, Thanks for the heads up, and the suggestion, Been testing other themes, but I believe the plug-ins are the cause for the slow loading.
    I’m currently working on installing WPHPBB, running into problems, so I’m not sure if thats going to fly or not.
    The site colors are supposed to match Chrysler MOPAR logo color, and I feel blue is easy on the eyes, but thats one opinion.
    Thanks again.

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