• Resolved fja3omega


    Updated to wordpress 4.3
    Updated to WC Fields Factory 1.2.1
    It keeps showing Please choose product options when I add to cart a product.
    I use a text area for filling extra information about a product.
    When I click inside the text area and type in the information and then click add to cart it shows the Please choose product options.
    When I click inside the text area and type in the information and then click outside the text area on another field then click the add to cart it works.
    The only solution I found was to click on another field.
    Is this a problem with jQuery, woocommerce or am I doing something wrong?


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  • Thread Starter fja3omega


    found a solution
    just did not set a default value for my variation
    it was set to 0 to 100
    it was set to choose an option…
    I set it to 0 and now it works

    I know this thread is older, but I had the same issue and I contacted WooThemes support and they said that…”We limit the amount of variations we show on the front end for speed. But sometimes you need more than 36 variations, so we offer that filter to override that limitation.”

    So you need to add this code below to your functions.php file and you’re good to go. Worked for me. Hope that helps others that have this same issue:

    function custom_wc_ajax_variation_threshold( $qty, $product ) {
    return 100;		}
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_ajax_variation_threshold', 'custom_wc_ajax_variation_threshold', 100, 2 );
    Plugin Author Saravana Kumar K


    @jason thanks for this info.

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