• Hello…

    I used chatGPT to create a wordpress plugin for me based on a particular task I gave it. It did as it was asked and packaged it up neatly in a zip file for me to upload and install into a fresh wordpress installation.

    Surprise surprise, it won’t install…

    I asked it to check its work a couple of times and rewrite and repackage the plugin. I told it which version of WordPress is running. It still wouldn’t install. It gave me a few things to do such as add some script to the WP-config file to enable debugging. I did this, but there is no debug log in the wp-content file…

    I tried looking for a tool online that i can drop the zip file onto to have it checked/debugged, but couldn’t find anything.

    I would like to know if anyone has any ideas or knows of a tool of this sort please…

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    There are a number of online PHP code checkers. Try searching for “PHP Linter”. Software that checks for coding errors is often called a “linter”. Syntactically correct code should enable your plugin to activate, but this does not mean it will logically function as you desire.

    When you enable WP debugging, the error log does not necessarily reside in wp-content. Its location depends on how your PHP is configured. Try checking your hosting account for access to the error log. If you have a local Linux installation for testing, the logs in some distros are at /var/log/apache2 YMMV

    Have you tried installing it using FTP?

    Go to the plugins folder and create a new folder (plugins/plugin-name), then upload the plugin files to that folder.

    Go to Installed Plugins in WP Admin and try to activate it. It it doesn’t activate or throws an error, go to your server error logs and see what the error was. This will give you a good idea of which part of the code is causing the issue.

    Also, check the code in the plugin files to make sure all the functions are not too general which could be conflicting with other plugins that might have functions named the same.

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 4 days ago by stapolin.
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