• Hi, I’ve just created this website for people to submit suggestions for future inventions. Until now I’ve encountered a couple of problems:

    1. I really wanted to be able to let people rate posts and comments so I can sort them by importance. I’ve found a couple of rating plugins but they don’t let me sort content.

    2. I would very much like to allow people to promise an amount of money for each idea they would like to see implemented and be able to sum it up.

    3. To let people submit content I have only found the TDO Multi Forms but they can’t create a new category with it ??

    4. To minimize the chance of people suggesting unuseful ideas, I’ve put up a system by which they first have to post a problem to which they offer the solution to by means of comments.
    – My problem with this is that comments don’t appear in google searches so people can’t really join the discussion from there;
    – and another issue is that at times discussion carried over comments can uncover new problems to solve, so I would like people to easily comment on multiple posts and have them linked inside the comment;

    If you have any solution to my problems or any suggestion to make, please reply.

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