• I am using the Amazing Grace theme. I am new to blogging and have spent most of my time trying to make some little changes to the theme (color changes, font sizes, etc). Nothing major.

    I have a problem with my 2 sidebars and I’m totally confused on what happened. This morning they worked fine. Now when I went back into my site the right sidebar is way down below the left sidebar. It’s not under it; it’s to the right of it, but way down towards the bottom of the page. I have no idea why and have checked as many things as I can. I’ve read that – if you disable comments it should correct it. Did that, and it did nothing. I’ve read that it could be a problem with a plug in so I deactivated every plug in and it’s still the same. Then I removed every widget from both sidebars and nothing happened. I’m viewing it in IE but I also looked at the site in Firefox and it’s the same. Can someone please help? I’ve spent so much time trying to figure this out and I’m lost. I’m not good with html or css or anything, so I need some simple explanation of what I can do. ??

    I’m really frustrated. My site is https://www.mrsmangu.com

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  • You have two sidebars one for left and one for right and I am surprised to see them both on right did you take any code out to cause this problem as the top one should be on left and the other one on right.

    Thread Starter Colleen



    No, that’s how the theme is. They are both on the right, side by side, although I’ve seen a few people switch the theme around so they do have one on the left. As I said, they were working fine this morning. I cannot figure this out.

    Here is two links to other sites I found that uses the same Amazing Grace theme and what the sidebars are supposed to look like. That’s what mine are supposed to do, and did, but now they don’t.



    Thread Starter Colleen


    Yes, I’ve tried searching all through Vladimir’s forum and have asked for assistance there but I haven’t had any luck. I’m hoping I don’t have to delete the theme again and reload it. I’m really at a loss for what to do here.

    Thank you though. I’m hoping that someone else out there, who had the same problem I’m having and was able to correct it, will let me know what they did to correct it.

    I had look at it again and in style.css you have

    #sidebar-right {

    take this margin-left:14px; out and you will see you sidebar go back up the way it should be.

    or just replace it with this and you will have little margin between them.
    I have taken 15px out of left sidebar.

    #sidebar-left {
    background:#FCFCFC none repeat scroll 0 0;
    padding:0.5em 0.2em 2em 1em;
    #sidebar-right {

    Thread Starter Colleen



    You are a GENIUS!!! It works perfectly now. I did what you suggested and replaced all of it for both the left and the right sidebar and they line up perfectly, with a bit of space between them.

    I cannot thank you enough!! This forum has been so helpful.

    Mrs Mangu

    You are welcome

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