• Resolved ayne468


    Hi Everyone,
    I am really new to WordPress, and unfortunately, am still really clueless when it comes to some things:)I have been trying to work out how to do this myself, but have hit a bit of a brick wall, so am hoping that some one here will be able to help. Here is what I am trying to do:
    -I have a sidebar menu on my site with various headings, such as “About” etc. What I am trying to do is link the “About” heading to the appropriate page (At the momment it is not hyperlinked at all). I know this is probably really easy, but I just haven’t been able to figure out the right code to use and exactly where to put it. I managed to find the “sidebar” section that I need to be editing, so I with pasted it below so that someone can please tell me exactly what and where I need to put the link info…

    • <h2><?php _e(‘About’); ?></h2>
      <li id=”about”><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?>

    I hope that I have been specific enough as it can be quite hard to explain what you mean in situations like this! Thank you in advance for taking the time to help me:)

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  • Thread Starter ayne468


    The bit that I cut and pasted didn’t work properly, so I will try again:

    • <h2><?php _e(‘About’); ?></h2>
      <li id=”about”><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?>
    Thread Starter ayne468


    It automatically cuts some of it off…but hopefully that pice will be enough:)

    Try this:

    <h2><a href="https://linktoyourblog.com/about/"><?php _e('About'); ?></a></h2>

    Thread Starter ayne468


    Excellent! Thank you so much..it worked perfectly:)

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