• Resolved BenchmarkDev


    Hello, I am a Web Developer and I am fairly new to WordPress. I have many sites that I plan to implement this plugin with – if I cannot get this working I will have to find a different one, so I really want to get this working.

    I have installed and activated the plugin. I have chosen my settings appropriately. I will list all settings here:

    Selector(s): a[rel=’m_PageScroll2id’]
    Scroll animation speed: 1300
    Auto-adjust animation speed: [checked]
    Scroll animation easing: (idle)easeInQuint, (animating)easeInQuint
    Scroll-to position: [checked]
    Page layout: vertical
    Offset: -100
    Highlight selector(s): [blank]
    Classes: [all default]
    Force single highlight: [unchecked]
    Keep highlight until next: [unchecked]
    Highlight by next target: [unchecked]
    Scroll to location hash, Enable: [checked]
    Scroll to location hash, Enable for all targets (even for elements that are not handled by the plugin): [checked]
    Scroll to location hash, Delay (milliseconds): 0
    Disable plugin below: 0

    My next step was to go to <b>Appearance > Menus</b> and I set each link’s <em?Link Relationship (XFN) to: m_PageScroll2id

    I then included the selector rel=’m_PageScroll2id’ in my target anchors, for example:

    <div id="products" rel='m_PageScroll2id'>

    My cache is not the issue, I cannot figure out what I have done wrong (or what I have mised). PLEASE help me on this, I am used to coding websites without a CMS and I am sure/hopeful that this is simply a setting that I have missed.



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  • Plugin Author malihu


    Hello Danny,

    The target anchors do not need the rel attribute (only their id has to match the menu link URL).

    When you say it doesn’t work, you mean it doesn’t scroll to the “correct” position, it scrolls without animation or it doesn’t scroll at all?

    Have you checked the following tuotrial?

    Thread Starter BenchmarkDev


    Hello malihu,

    Thanks for your response. I have now removed the rel attribute from my targets but I am still having an issue.

    When I say it doesn’t work, it does scroll to the correct position for each target – including when I link to a separate page – but there is no animation.

    I have revised this tutorial, my menu items match and I have included the correct rel attribute. I am stumped please help me find a solution

    Plugin Author malihu


    Can you post a link-target example? What values did you enter in ‘Menus’ link URL?

    I could provide more help if you could send me link.

    Thread Starter BenchmarkDev


    Okay sure:

    <b>Menu Item</b>
    Name: Pricing
    URL: …xxx/pricing/#pricing
    XFN: m_PageScroll2id

    <b>ID Occurrence</b>
    (in the page titled Pricing)

    <div id="pricing">
    <h1>Here's our pricing:</h1>
    <div id="pricing-items" class="span12">

    Plugin Author malihu


    Seems correct.

    In the URL field, if you insert just the hash with the id (#pricing) does it work (on anchors within the same page)?

    Is the ...xxx/pricing/#pricing exactly the same with the page’s actual URL (including www part etc.)?

    Is there another script/plugin modifying or preventing ‘Page scroll to id’ from working?

    Do you get any console errors when viewing the page with browser developer tools?

    On the front-end, when you right-click the link and select ‘Inspect’, what does the HTML code looks like (e.g. what classes etc. are applied on the link)?

    Thread Starter BenchmarkDev


    I have several occurrences where the anchor is on the same page and therefore I just need to use (/#anchorid). The links go to the correct location so I don’t believe the issue is there.

    Yes I have copied the URLs directly into my Menu links and confirmed it is all correct.

    Here is a list of my currently active Plugins:
    – BxSlider WP
    – Clef
    – Contact Form 7
    – Jetpack by WordPress.com
    – Limit Login Attempts
    – Page scroll to id

    I have no custom scripts or functions that would interfere.

    Here is a console error that appears when using the links:

    www-embed-player-new.js:153 GET chrome-extension://boadgeojelhgndaghljhdicfkmllpafd/cast_sender.js net::ERR_FAILEDlj @ www-embed-player-new.js:153kj @ www-embed-player-new.js:152jj @ www-embed-player-new.js:152oj @ www-embed-player-new.js:154ml @ www-embed-player-new.js:209yo @ www-embed-player-new.js:304wq @ www-embed-player-new.js:341(anonymous function) @ ScMzIvxBSi4:10
    html5player-new.js:310 SVG's SMIL animations (<animate>, <set>, etc.) are deprecated and will be removed. Please use CSS animations or Web animations instead.
    www-embed-player-new.js:153 GET chrome-extension://dliochdbjfkdbacpmhlcpmleaejidimm/cast_sender.js net::ERR_FAILEDlj @ www-embed-player-new.js:153kj @ www-embed-player-new.js:152(anonymous function) @ www-embed-player-new.js:152c.onerror @ www-embed-player-new.js:153

    I have not attempted SVG animations with my own code…

    There is a plugin called “Easy Smooth Scroll Links” that will be my next option if this cannot be resolved in the next 1-2 days. But I believe in covering all bases.

    Thanks so much for your help so far, let me know if the console response seems relevant to your plugin or if it might be my current theme? Current theme is: “Customizr[child]”

    Plugin Author malihu


    OK console errors are not relevant.

    One last thing:
    When you right-click the link and select ‘Inspect’, what classes do you see on it?

    Thread Starter BenchmarkDev


    Menu item:
    <li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-item current_page_item menu-item-home menu-item-6"><a rel="m_PageScroll2id" href="...xxx/#whatwedo">What We Do</a></li>

    Plugin Author malihu


    It seems that plugin is not activated at all on the links. When inspecting the page, do you see the following scripts included?

    • jquery.malihu.PageScroll2id.js
    • jquery.malihu.PageScroll2id-init.js
    Thread Starter BenchmarkDev


    It appears that neither of those scripts are included on any of my pages. Should I do a manual re-install?

    Plugin Author malihu


    This means that the plugin is not activated. How did you installed it to your theme, Manually or automatically? If it is installed, is it activated in ‘Installed Plugins’ page?

    Thread Starter BenchmarkDev


    I installed the plugin automatically by searching the name of the plugin in the Plugins > Add New Yes it is activated

    Plugin Author malihu


    Well this is weird… The 2 .js should be included in the page (as well as another script tag with the CDATA). Any chance the theme concatenates js files or something? In any case, the plugin is simply not seem to be activated on the front-end…

    I’m not familiar with your theme but does it use the WP menu or has its own menus?

    Thread Starter BenchmarkDev


    The theme is ‘Customizer’ and yes it uses a WP menu

    Plugin Author malihu


    I’ve just tested the Customizr theme (is this the one?) on a wp installation locally along with ‘Page scroll to id’ and everything works as expected. I can also see plugin scripts included in the page, so I’m out of ideas… Maybe try re-installing the plugin(?)

    Just one more question:
    You said you have links with just the hash+id like: /#anchorid
    Is this correct? Links pointing on the same page should not have the slash (/) before #id.

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