• I hope you can help suggest the proper way to do this:

    I have 2 separate installations
    1) https://PetLvr.com/blog/ (since 2005) blog etc
    2) https://PetLvr.com (since 2010) social community blog etc

    The /blog/ has /blog/pages/, /blog/yyyy/mm/posts, etc
    The root has /category/posts, /forum, /socialcommunitymenuitemsetc, etc

    I want to export everything out of the https://PetLvr.com/blog/ folder installation and import it into the https://PetLvr.com root installation.

    Once everything is in the root
    – I want all the /blog/pages to just become /pages ..
    – I want old /blog/yyyy/mm/posts to REMAIN as /blog/yyyy/mm/posts
    – I want all /category/posts to become /blog/yyyy/mm/posts

    So – finally there would be one installation on the root.
    https://PetLvr.com – front page
    https://PetLvr.com/blog – all blog posts
    https://PetLvr.com/forum – all forum posts
    https://PetLvr.com/profile (etc) all social community links

    Can somebody please please spell this out how I can do this without destroying two databases?

    Any comments and suggestions would be muchly appreciated!

    HART aka PetLvr

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  • Thread Starter PetLvr


    Okay! Browsing my profile – I see that Ipstenu offered a possible solution about 4 months ago when I first was contemplating this after a redirection issue (and I never noticed it until today)

    (maybe that’s why there is no response on this question yet?)

    I have another question though:

    I’ve been accumulating WP tables on my PetLvr blog since 2005 .. If I go to the MysQL data via phpMyadmin I see 174 tables … some include items I stopped using back in 2007 or pre-dedicated server that caused to take up too many resources.

    Yet, there are many tables that are cool that I am now wondering about .. download stats, akismet stats, clicky stats, active tables like OIO publisher data, store product tables, and a LOT more!

    I wonder if exporting the data posts etc and importing is the best way to consolidate the blogs – or, just do an outright MySQL dump and retrieval? It’s been a while since I did that however, and will have to manually change things- or, will i? I want it to virtually look identical to the way it was before physically w.r.t. /blog/ folder ..

    Thoughts? Suggestions?

    OR – maybe I’m doing this wrong? Would it be easier to export the ROOT database that has 500 posts into the /BLOG/ folder that has over 4000 posts … then, somehow use the original database and just do some configuration in wp-config.php file?

    Every time I think of something, I imagine complications and expect problems, even though long-term i know I’m doing the right thing.

    HART (aka PetLvr)

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