• I have tried endlessly to fix the problems with my rss feed, and I am totally stuck. Feedburner says my site is a web page and not a blog. I can get the feed by typing in my URL in google reader, but it comes up as a Google generated feed with my URL title. The only feeds I’ve been getting are my tweets that come up on my sidebar. I do not want those to be feed–just my posts. I recently transferred my domain to a new host and since then the feed won’t work. I am at a loss! I don’t know what else to do. Can anyone please help me?

    My feed address is: https://feeds.feedburner.com/budgetwisehome

    I would appreciate any response! Thank you!

    Oh-one more thing. When you click the feed address, it looks like there is no problem and that you can subscribe to the feed, but it does not generate it–I’ve only been getting my tweets. The last real post that was generated was on July 15, the day before my domain was transferred to a new host.

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