• They won’t listen. I’m not sure wtf the point of even having a review/feedback system in place is. This thing is so effing backwards and messed up. If you really want to shove Gutenberg up people’s butts, then make it available as a plugin. Having to install a plugin to revert back to something that actually works goes against all of the principles of integrity in computer science.

    You developers should be ashamed of yourself. You are apparently too stubborn and prideful to listen to the OVERWHELMING majority of advanced-level users who are fighting tooth and nail to not let this happen.

    It doesn’t even matter. I am so mad at you guys. This is an effing COMMUNITY; not 3 people deciding for everyone to force an incredibly terrible “update” (e.g. fixing something that isn’t broken). Shame on you.

    [review before editing]

    I see SO many developers here practically begging your core team to leave this out of core, and rather, set it up as a plugin if you absolutely must.

    Every review gets a pseudo-canned response like “We’re sorry you’re happy but we aren’t really going to listen to you and we’re going to do what we dang well please, even in the midst of protest.”

    This is not Wix or Squarespace. PLEASE stop trying to force this functionality onto the community. Many of our livings depends on it. This is a ridiculous breach of power in the midst of the community revolting.

    “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” You guys are trying to aim this at business owners/non-developers to make it easier to build their sites. This should be a PLUGIN, not a core feature. I cannot stress enough how important it is for you to listen to the overwhelming majority of people who are developers.

    Your core team are developers developing for other developers. We are the ones working directly developing sites for CLIENTS. This forced move to Gutenberg is going to ruin what was otherwise becoming a powerful CMS.

    SMDH. Who is the one pulling the trigger on this? Why is this up to a small group of core developers and not the community as a whole? I can’t believe this.

    I am not interested in your pseudo-canned responses; I just need to vent and express my absolute frustration about how this whole thing is being handled.

    This is absolutely ridiculous and shouldn’t even be a conversation in regards to integrating into Core. If you want to force this down everyone’s throats, then please make GUTENBERG the plugin. Do you have any idea how absolutely back-asswards it is to require a plugin to REMOVE a terrible feature?


    Edit: I am seriously seeking objective advice on how to legally handle the mess and loss of profits that is going to result from this incredibly invasive, disrupting, horrible decision. I need information regarding class-action lawsuits or how I can personally recover lost profits from sites that will be absolutely ruined if Gutenberg is forced into Core. I am sure that I am not the only one. I’m sorry, but I need to make sure my income/living is protected against people who are insisting on forcing something on people who clearly don’t want it. This is not a personal matter or one based on emotion; I am genuinely afraid that my income will be compromised and I am in need of information regarding legal recourse if this is the case. I don’t even know if this is possible. Thanks.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by nykzukowski.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by nykzukowski.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by nykzukowski.
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  • Plugin Author Tammie Lister


    Thanks for taking time to leave a review, I wanted to first say those working on this are listening and not just developers. There are no canned responses each one is written out by someone as you can see here. It’s important to remember people are creating the product and really do want the best intentions in what they are making. That said, let me see if I can dive a bit into your feedback.

    In saying “it’s not broken” I would encourage you to think about all types of users. Right now WordPress isn’t the best experience for a lot of people. If you haven’t for a while, I would encourage you to watch a non-developer whose not used WordPress before, use it for the first time. It’s quite eye opening to see the pitfalls and hurdles people run into.

    The release process for 5.0 which Gutenberg will be part of isn’t going to be any different from the ones previously. The community do get to be part as a result.

    With regards to your last point I am going to assume you know about the classic editor plugin? If that’s the case what other aspects do you feel will be causing issues with your income as maybe I can help by providing some suggestions and insights into options to counter that.

    If you haven’t for a while, I would encourage you to watch a non-developer whose not used WordPress before, use it for the first time.

    This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

    For years I have sold WordPress on the concept that “if you can write an email, you can use WordPress.” Well, most people can write an email, and most people can use WordPress without any problem. Want to make something bold? Click the same icon that you click on every other application. Want to add a picture or movie? Click on the button that says “Insert Media”. Seriously, using WordPress is not rocket science.

    I feel that the real issue here is not that Gutenberg has been designed to make WordPress better. (If that were the case, they would have worked on media management, which is what people have been screaming for for years.) Instead it is designed to push independent developers and designers out of the loop and send their customers directly to WordPress, which will ultimately become a commercial product. This is why the WordPress core team simply is not listening.

    The community do get to be part as a result.

    Yes, but the plugin only has an average 2.7 rating as of today. It is clearly not ready for prime-time, and yet 5.0 is only just around the corner. So yes, you get to be a part—as long as you agree with this decision. I have asked—repeatedly—what need Gutenberg has been created to solve, and all I ever get is that it’s a big improvement. It facilitates this and it facilitates that, but when we get down to it, not one person has ever been able to point out a known weakness of the current WordPress interface that this plugin addresses. The challenge remains open.

    I need information regarding class-action lawsuits or how I can personally recover lost profits from sites that will be absolutely ruined if Gutenberg is forced into Core. I am sure that I am not the only one.

    Unfortunately, with the way WordPress is licensed, this is probably a no-go from the start.

    Moderator Marius L. J.



    This is another users 5+ month old review, and as such it is being closed toa void further spam.

    @siriusmw I’ve archived your replies, and flagged your account. This means one of our volunteer moderators will need to approve your posts before they become visible until such a time as we can agree that you’ll play nice on the forums.

    This is because your replies started as a bog rant (which holds no place on the forums, use your own blog), but then you decided to throw in some legal threats, and that’s where we draw the line.

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