• Resolved DogsOfWar


    In the 2.0 release the settings page for AIOSEO has been moved to the very top of the sidebar in the WP dashboard. There’s really not reason for this. Plugin settings belong in the WordPress “Settings” sidebar menu.

    It has become trendy for plugin developers to want their plugins front and center in the WP dashboard. I already installed your plugin, you don’t need to convince me of anything else. Moving your plugin to such a prominent place serves no purpose. Imagine how busy the dashboard sidebar menu becomes when every plugin wants to do this. Make it stop.


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  • Seriously. And plugins that create their own additional update notifications. This is why we have hierarchical menus — to keep every little thing from competing for your attention and organized logically.

    absolutely, please revert!

    for those interested; you can at least already move aioseo down the menu by opening aioseop_class.php and comment out line 1655;

    // add_filter( 'custom_menu_order', '__return_true' );

    @ futtta,
    thank you for this hack!

    But i second the request to move the settings page for AIOSEO back to “Settings” without any hack!

    As futtta has given the right information, I now have commented out lines 1652 to 1656:

    function admin_menu() {
    		$file = plugin_basename( __FILE__ );
    /*		$menu_name = __( 'All in One SEO', 'all_in_one_seo_pack' );
    		add_menu_page( $menu_name, $menu_name, 'manage_options', $file, Array( $this, 'display_settings_page' ) );
    		add_meta_box('aioseop-about', "About <span style='float:right;'>Version <b>" . AIOSEOP_VERSION . "</b></span>", array( $this, 'display_side_metaboxes'), 'aioseop_metaboxes', 'side', 'core');
    		add_filter( 'custom_menu_order', '__return_true' );
    		add_filter( 'menu_order', array( $this, 'set_menu_order' ) ); */

    Like this the settings page is still available by “Plugins” => “Options configuration panel”.

    Seems to be the best solution as long as this bug isn’t fixed.

    Thank you again @futtta!

    I second this

    I’d agree also – it was perfect where it was before, but if by default you really want it out of the settings menu and more in the open, it should go beneath the settings menu like all of the other plugins that show up in the sidebar do like W3TC, WordFence, etc… SEO is important, but it doesn’t belong at the very top of the admin sidebar.

    Thread Starter DogsOfWar


    I definitely appreciate the great detective work to track down the offending code, but this level of manipulation shouldn’t be necessary.

    I see that the plugin author has commented on nearly every post here and is very active in providing support which is outstanding. But that makes the lack of comment here all the more glaring. If he would care to explain the reasoning I’d gladly listen and give feedback.

    This seems like pure hubris by the designer, Michael Torbert, and kind of a d-bag move. There’s nothing about AIOSEO’s settings that require breaking the WordPress menu convention to put his plugin in such a prominent location in the menu. Looks like it’s time to go check out WordPress SEO from Yoast.

    Michael Torbert


    WordPress Virtuoso

    Thanks for the feedback everyone, especially those that weren’t unnecessarily rude about a free plugin I’ve spent over 5 years developing and supporting.
    We’ll release an update soon that lets the menu item be moved down for those that need it.

    Thread Starter DogsOfWar


    I saw that 2.0.1 was available and loaded it up thinking that might have the option that was mentioned to demote the plugin’s settings page. I don’t see that option, but what I do see is now the addition of an AIOSEO page added to the floating WordPress admin bar at the top of all of my WP pages. That’s pretty much the opposite of what I was hoping for.

    Honestly, the plugin works fine and I’m able to enter meta information easily on the posts themselves. After installing the plugin the first time and getting the settings the way I need them I don’t see why I need such ready access to the settings for this plugin. The plugin does a nice job of being “set it and forget it” as far as settings go.

    Plugin Support Steve M


    Hi DogsOfWar,

    Go to General Settings in All in One SEO Pack, scroll down to the Display Settings box and you will see the checkboxes there where you can disable AIOSEOP on the Admin Bar and demote the side menu item to the bottom.

    Thread Starter DogsOfWar


    Thanks, somehow I missed those. Settings updated.

    However, what that does is move the same menu down further on the sidebar. Definitely an improvement, but what I was asking for was that the plugin store its settings nested under the standard WordPress Settings sidebar menu (where 90% of all plugins drop their settings pages and where they don’t clutter up the sidebar).

    Hmm I guess I’m in the minority, I really liked that it was moved.

    As the author of AIOSEO doesn’t seem to be interested in fixing the bugs that occurred since v2.x I’ve tested a lot of SEO plugins now.

    My favorites are Greg’s High Performance SEO and HeadSpace2 SEO.

    In my opinion AIOSEO up to v2.x has been better than both of the above mentioned.

    Today I started to switch all my WordPress instances to HeadSpace2.

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