• ResolvedPlugin Author PressTigers


    New release of Simple Job Board 2.2.3 having major changes in templates directory structure. Whoever is using the Job Board templating, please change the file’s directory structure according to followings:

    simple-job-board> templates:

    1. archive-jobpost.php
    2. content-job-listing-grid-view.php
    3. content-job-listing-list-view.php
    4. content-single-job-listing.php
    5. job-filters.php
    6. single-jobpost.php

    simple-job-board> templates> global:

    1. content-wrapper-end.php
    2. content-wrapper-start.php

    simple-job-board> templates> listing:

    1. content-no-jobs-found.php
    2. job-listings-start.php
    3. job-listings-end.php
    4. job-pagination.php

    simple-job-board> templates> listing> grid-view:

    1. company.php
    2. location.php
    3. logo.php
    4. posted-date.php
    5. title.php
    6. type.php

    simple-job-board> templates> listing> list-view:

    1. company.php
    2. location.php
    3. logo.php
    4. posted-date.php
    5. title.php
    6. type.php

    simple-job-board> templates> search:

    1. category-filter.php
    2. keyword-search.php
    3. location-filter.php
    4. search-btn.php
    5. type-filter.php

    404 Page Error:

    It’s a permalink issue. Please reset.
    For reset, go to:

    1. Setting > Permalinks
    2. [NOTE: Be remembered your selected option]
    3. Select Default option, hit save.
    4. Select Your previously selected option, hit save again.

    Job Page Expands Across Entire Page:

    It’s container class naming issue. We can’t set all website container classes because every website having its own CSS and naming conventions.

    So, we are giving the facility to Job Board’s users for adding container class or Id under Settings> Appearance tab. Please add your website container class in “Job Board Container Class:” under Job Board> Settings> Appearance tab.


    Thanks & Regards,


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