• pwilden


    Hello everyone,

    Take a look at my site and let me know what you think, https://wildensblog.com

    I’m interested in your opinions on its appearance and operation (does it load too slow?)

    It’s a political commentary blog. If you’re running the same type of blog I would appreciate it if you would link to my site if you like the content, I would be happy to return the favor.


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  • imgoel


    Hi pwilden,
    is your site ajax powered? how do u do it?
    i want my site ‘https://goelji.com/’ to work like yours to reduce the load time.



    Paul – what happened to the comment I posted on your site. that was a real comment to your post? Just curious.



    Paul, generally I like the clean and professional look. For a political blog that’s just fine.

    Anyway I was wondering who the targeted audience of your site is. The order of the widgets suggests that you are awaiting mostly subscribers who will log into your blog when visiting the site.

    If this isn’t the case I would reorganize the widgets. What should come first are widgets useful to the broadest audience of your blog like “Recent Posts” and “Search”. “User Menu” – although very conveniently placed for your own purposes – should go to the very bottom. In case you do not expect visitors to log into your blog, I would suggest to go without the “User Menu” widget at all.

    The foto of you is nice but without an link to the “About” section pretty much meaningless – especially for a political blog. In terms of significance I would place the foto at least in the rightmost column.

    Remember in case someone is using a resolution of 800×600 (probably with a PDA), she will only see your first widget columns. Therefore widgets like “Search” and other important stuff should be placed there.

    I am using Firefox with a resolution of 1280×1024 and for my taste the text is to dense. It’s kind of hard to read and a bit distracting to see such a huge amount of text. I would suggest to have it 1 or 2 points bigger – at least for the main content.

    Thread Starter pwilden


    –TVDinner: Your comment is still there. You commented on the ‘America’s dirty little secret’ article. Take another look and you should see it. Let me know if you don’t. And thanks for your input.

    –imgoel: There are a couple of AJAX’d plugins but I believe the overall speed of the site is due to my webhost, HostGator.

    –McShelby: Some excellent suggetions, thanks. You’re absolutely right about ‘User Menu’ being there for my convenience. As far as the text size, does anyone know how to add the buttons you sometimes see that allows the user to control the size?

    –Paul Wilden



    Are our comments inciteful or insightful? Or perhaps a little of both? ??



    Paul said – “–TVDinner: Your comment is still there. You commented on the ‘America’s dirty little secret’ article. Take another look and you should see it. Let me know if you don’t. And thanks for your input.”

    DUHHHHH. HAHA. Sorry about that. did not even look to see that you had made a new post, which I made a comment on also.

    Thread Starter pwilden


    > Are our comments inciteful or insightful? Or perhaps a little of both? ??

    Mental note to self: SPELLCHECK!!


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