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  • magagnon,

    We’ll it’s certainly a unique implementation. Was there a particular reason to not use WordPress’es comment system?

    On a side note, I’d be very interested in hearing how you integrated WordPress / phpBB as we’re looking to do a similar integration (but not for the comments).

    that’s very cool i like the layout in general as it’s clean and well presented. you may want to make the phpbb side of it less garish though, it seems to clash rather than compliment in terms of aesthetics.

    Thread Starter magagnon



    There was no particular reason. I think WP and Phpbb are two great applications and I wanted to have the best of both worlds.

    The code I used is based on this integration solution for Movable Type …

    … I simply adapted the code for WP and added a couple of new features, like the possibility of modifying a phpbb topic from the WP admin console

    I thought about creating a plugin but I wasn’t sure if someone else would be interested to use it. I’ll think about it, it looks like other people might find this useful.


    Thank you very much. I’ll dig through the MT example and see what’s what. For various reason we have to use phpBB ??

    If you think people are not interested in integrating WP and phpBB, take a look at this… ??

    BTW, nice job!

    nice read, just what i was looking for, since i do not like phpbb mod for a blog ill be using wordpress.

    OMG I need a plugin for this I am willing to pay $$ email me I have been dying to for someone to put something together. Email please!
    jeremiah at

    @ magagnon

    I’d certainly be VERY interested in a plugin for this! Great job with your site!

    Specifically, I’m looking for ways to put phpBB inside my own WP theme, just like it seems you’ve done in your ‘forums’ section. This may be a lot simpler than the kind of integration you’ve accomplished, but if there’s an easy way to integrate the log-ins of both systems, I’d love that too!

    I may have a plugin soon. It wont be pretty but it seem to be working. I will post a message back in a few days.

    (Or should I say hack) I am trying to make it a plugin, but I am having trouble with conflicting functions in phpbb and wordpress. I have renamed them in wordpress and it works, for the most part. Very ugly though.
    I will post something in a few days. If anyone knows how to rename a function in wordpress, without actually renaming it. please post a messeage.

    OK i have hit a roadblock. I can get it to start inserting the topic into the correct forum, but it stops when it starts inputting the $user_ip, subject, text and other information. I am still working on it.

    I get a preg() replace empty error.


    I would love to see your code for this solution! I am trying really hard to get something like this going and there are quite a few different threads about this in the support forum! I like this idea and think it would be great! Do you have a URL for the files that you used?


    Thread Starter magagnon


    I’ll post my code with a quick tutorial soon on my blog. I’ll let you guys know when it’s done.

    I solved my problems. I have it working.

    Creates topic in a specific Forum on your phpbb database when someone views the post.
    Pulls the comments from the board and places them under the post formated like the blog.

    I have to change two WordPress functions: get_userdata and make_clickable. (dont think there is a way around this).
    Having database problems with the plugin wp-useronline from Gamerz, yet ordinary database functions work.
    Using a modified template of single.php to work because I can post the includes at the top of the page before the html and it doesnt affect other pages of the blog.
    I am using Fluffy’s integration as maganon, so it needs phpbb fetch all and the netcletic’s insertion mod.

    Want to make it a separate plugin which can be turned on and off.
    Want to make it so that it can pull the comments from the wp database and the phpbb in case this is being enabled on an established wp blog.
    Want to make it simpler.

    I am writing up “clearer” directions.

    You will need to install the phpbb mods phpbb fetch all and function_insert_ post. Basically follow the directions at Fluffy’s ( ) up to “Prepare your webblog for phpbb”. Then replace single.php with the one I have (or at the code to an existing one). Ill post it later tonight after I provide notation.

    Here is the single.php

    Save it and be sure to change the ending to php.

    Be sure to back up your database and anything else you want to keep before applying. It is really rough. I am not a php programmer. Use at your own risk. If you take any of the code, please be sure to leave notations noting the authors I “borrowed” code from.

    OK can someone consolidate in one post what I need to do? I am confused! Thanks!

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