• Hello

    Please, I love the design of this site and I want to know the name of theme used here or a similar theme can can handle everything here .

    Please, any suggestion will be highly appreciated.


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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Not all websites use WordPress.. You can search themes by criteria to narrow down your results: https://www.ads-software.com/themes/tag-filter/

    That’s right… not all websites are WordPress sites… but you can try looking at the source view of a website to see if it is a WordPress website, then you can see the name of the active theme. This can usually be accomplished by simply doing a right-click on a blank spot within your browser window, and choosing “View Source” or “View Page Source.” (Read more about how to view the page source in different browsers: https://blog.kissmetrics.com/how-to-read-source-code/.)

    This will open a new window with the website code in it. Then you want to use the “Find” command (normally in the “Edit” menu)– or use the keyboard shortcut Control F (PC) or Command F (Mac) and type in “wp-content/themes” as your search term (you will probably see a search box open up either in the bottom or the top of your window). Press return and the first instance of the phrase “wp-content/themes” will be highlighted. The word or words that come after the slash next to “wp-content/themes” is the theme name (for example “wp-content/themes/twentyten.” Once you know the theme name, you can Google it, or search for it on https://www.ads-software.com/themes/.

    (By the way, Control G (PC) or Command G (Mac) will take you to the next instance of your search term.)

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