Plug-in for Research Publication
I was wondering if there was any plug-in and/or post template for inserting journal/conference publication information by filling out such that authorized users can upload (as a post) their publication information. Ideally, a post template that asks users to input the followings would do the job..
Title: Monte Carlo Bias Field Correction in Endorectal Diffusion Imaging
Publication Type: Journal Article with options to choose Conference, Research Project
Related Research Topics: Biomedical Imaging
Year of Publication: 2014
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Pages: 88-95
Volume: 7
Authors Tom, A., and Jack, B.This will then look like:
Tom, A., and Jack, B. (2014) “Monte Carlo Bias Field Correction in Endorectal Diffusion Imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol 7, pg 88-95.Thank you
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