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  • Hi, I have a custom post and category. This is my post query code:

    query_posts( array(
    ‘post_type’ => ‘CUSTOM_POST’,
    ‘term’ => ‘cat_slug’,
    ‘nopaging’ => TRUE
    ) );
    Then y just use de normal LOOP
    if ( have_posts() ) { while ( have_posts() ) { …………..


    Hi dm10014,

    This was a long time ago, but as I was having this problem and managed to resolve it by looking in the reorder-posts-within-categories.php plugin file, I will show my debug procedure which may be useful.

    I searched in the language file for ‘Sort items such as “Offering”‘ which was the html output in my admin for the settings page of the plugin that displays the available categories, this gave me the French used in the php code ‘Types d’articles disponibles’.

    Now I knew that I was in the correct part of the file I could read line 685
    $post_types = get_post_types( array( 'show_in_nav_menus' => true,'public'=>true, 'show_ui'=>true, 'hierarchical' => false ), 'object' );

    and from here I could see the settings I needed to use in the register_post_type aguements array. I could also read a few lines down at 699
    if($taxonomie->hierarchical == 1
    So I knew that I should also set my taxonomy post type to be true within the register_taxonomy $args array.

    And big thumbs up to the plugin developer, I searched high and low on the internet for this functionality. You made my day!

    this doesnt work…it doesnt recognize any categories..
    doesnt load cant select anything…

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