• Hi, I’ve read other posts about this issue, but I still get an error 500 on my website whenever AR for WordPress is activated. I have AR for WordPress Premium, but never been able to use it. Can you help me out?

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  • Plugin Author webandprint


    Thank you for alerting me to this issue. I have tested the next release version of AR for WordPress plugin (v4.4.) with Elementor Pro and it appears to be working as expected. v4.4 will hopefully be released in the next couple of days, however you can download an advanced copy of the plugin from https://augmentedrealityplugins.com/plugins/ar-for-wordpress-4.4.zip

    Can I please ask you to try this with your site and let me know if you continue to have any issues. If you do please send any error messages you see.

    Thread Starter maykelvanoirschot


    Hi, I’ve installed 4.4 and activated the AR for WordPress plugin. I now can edit the pages with Elementor without the error 500. So it seems to be working. Later I will try and add one of my 3D models to see if it works.

    Thanks for now. I’ll test later today or tomorrow. I’ll let you know if I run in any problems.


    Thread Starter maykelvanoirschot


    To be honest I find it disappointing to not be able to find any help documentation. For me, as a new user, and new to creating my own website, it is way too hard to get anything working properly. Isn’t there any manual explaining all the options?
    You can check my website, it’s still from the Elementor course. I’ve succeeded to add a 3D model (the bunk bed), but as I view it on my iphone I don’t see the AR logo or poster or featured image or whatever those mean to be able to use AR. Where can I find proper help with this?


    Thank you,


    Plugin Author webandprint


    Hi Maykel,

    I am sorry you are still having trouble using the plugin. You can find details of how to use the plugin on my support pages at https://augmentedrealityplugins.com/support/

    When I view your site on my iPhone I see the the AR button and I am able to view the model in the AR view. See screenshots at the links below:

    The AR button/logo is the AR image in the top right of the model viewer when viewing on a mobile device – this triggers the model to open in AR view. The AR button only shows on mobile devices or tablets. On desktop/laptop viewing it displays a fullscreen popup icon instead as AR view is not available on these devices.

    The Poster image is a placeholder image that is shown whilst your model file is being loaded.

    The Featured Image is used by WordPress to be the primary image that represents a Post or Woocommerce product.

    If you have any further queries please let me know.

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter maykelvanoirschot


    Hi Nick,

    I appreciate your very quick response! I’m sorry, frustration is getting the better of me.
    Funny though how you get to see the AR button. I see it too, now that I’m using Safari instead of the Google app on my iPhone. So it seems to be working in Safari, but not in the Google app. Do you know why?

    Also, when working in Elementor and changing the responsive mode to mobile portrait the AR button is not showing either.

    I’m also not sure what the red box in the top left is doing there. When you click it it turns solid red. Can it be removed?

    About your support pages; I’ve seen and read it before. To me they are just screenshots, no explanation of the functionality in detail. Still missing a kind of manual..



    Plugin Author webandprint


    The Google App should not be relied on as a browser on your phone, you should use Google Chrome instead as it has the full browser functionality including AR support.

    Changing the Elementor editor to responsive mode will not show the AR button as the browser still detects you are not viewing from an AR capable device.

    The box in the top left is the reset button. You can disable/hide this in the Settings page or on each individual model editing page.

    I have expanded upon the support page so it is now more comprehensive. https://augmentedrealityplugins.com/support/

    Any further queries please let me know.


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