I think I found the source of the ‘bugs’ you found, and cleared up something I was confused by.
The author of the plug-in updated the source files, but did not update the revision number! The current source files have a datestamp of ‘2012-10-03 9:39AM’, while the source files that I have have a datestamp of ‘2012-09-30 4:12PM’ – and there are a few changes. If the author of the plugin is reading this – PLEASE UPDATE YOUR VERSION NUMBER WHEN YOU UPDATE SOURCE FILES!! ソースファイルを更新するときに、バージョン番号を更新してください!
So, from my diff, here are all the changes between the files:
You found two of the changes: lines 855 and 864 of ps-multi-languages.php (change ‘url_exists’ to ‘ps_url_exists’), and
Two changes within functions.php: lines 19 and 67 : change the $echo parameter to ps_012_multilingual_list from false to true (19), and change the function name from url_exists to ps_url_exists.
Here’s an updated version of ps-multi-languages.php
If someone downloads and updates the new function.php, the previous flag code I posted won’t work, since calling the function will return the flag html snippet, which is what I think the author originally intended. In this case, your change to function.php to display the flags will do the trick.
Here’s an updated version of functions.php with the flag code included, reverse and highlighted. Users will have to remove the php code in their header to display the flags, but leave the following line:
<?php if ( function_exists( 'ps_012_multilingual_list' ) ) $gs = ps_012_multilingual_list() ; ?>
Finally, to answer your question, I re-applied my changes to the ‘new’ version of ps-multi-languages.php, and it seems to work just fine. I updated the tagline for all of my supported languages, and the changes appeared on the test site. Did you change any other code in any function? Maybe I’m misinterpreting what you mean by blogdescription? Please let me know.