• We just used a security scanner on our site to look for issues. It runs through a built in list it has for possible problem pages and trys them. I now have 56000 404s I need to clear out. I tried an uninstall/reinstall with delete and that did not work. Any ideas? Can I add a feature request to have a purge button added for detected 404s?

    Thanks in advance!


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  • Looks like we need a Tools tab in the admin section with some purge options. I will see if I can’t add them for version 1.3.


    Good to hear from you, Rob.

    I’d say the issue is that the settings “Collected 404 URL deletion: [30] Days (0 Disables Auto Delete)” and “Auto redirect deletion: [30] Days (0 Disables Auto Delete)” don’t work and a similar option to clear the logs is missing (unless it’s the first option, in which case it deserves to be renamed for clarity). Fixing these would be excellent.

    Adding the following buttons in the Options tab would a nice addition:

    • Clear all automatic redirects
    • Clear all manual redirects
    • Clear all logs
    • Clear all redirects and logs

    By the way version 1.2 of the plugin links to https://www.weberz.com/plugins/404-redirected/ as the plugin home page, and that page tells the newest version is 1.1.

    Thanks for your continued work on the development!

    Ahh.. missed that one.. it’s fixed now.. It says 1.3

    Dave, you probably know this anyway – It’s a bit time consuming, but you can request Google (Webmaster Tools) to remove those bad URLs from the index. I had to do this with a large batch of bad URLs

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