• Anonymous User 8304368


    I’m not sure where this problem can be emanating from exactly, however I seem to have run into an interesting issue, where the Ad Injection widgets I use for my separate sub-sites seem to be crossing over.

    On one subsite, i use Ad Injection to display a random group of affiliate links through a certain network while on my other subsite (there are many more but these are the two with ads at the moment) uses a google Adsense block. What started happening was that this Google Adsense block started displaying on the first sub site all of a sudden. I went into the widget menu and re-saved settings to fix this, however it seemed to come back later and I had to turn off Ad Injection on the site to keep it from happening again.

    Any ideas what may be behind this?


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  • Plugin Author reviewmylife


    Hi krackers87, I have never tested Ad Injection on WordPress multi-site. I may get around to this next year. So for now multi-site isn’t supported by the plugin, but parts of the plugin may work if you’re lucky ??

    Have you installed Ad Injection as a network plugin, or as site specific plugins?

    If settings from one blog are affecting the other blog, then they must both be loading their widget settings from the same place. If this is a problem and you can’t find a work-around then all I can suggest is to stop using Ad Injection for widgets for now.

    If you do find out anything else please update this thread. The information could be useful for others, and I may be able to add it to the FAQ.


    Thread Starter Anonymous User 8304368


    I’m experimenting some more and realize that it could be using Ad Injection with the dynamic widgets plugin. I’m going to experiment more just using the page type restrictions for Ad Injection while also taking Ad Injection off network activation in favor for site by site activation. I’ll let you know what I find out and my apologies if it was my use of Dynamic Widgets that caused this problem.

    Plugin Author reviewmylife


    Hi krackers87, thanks for the update. Do let me know what you find out. Cheers.

    Reviewmylife, I would be a great test candidate, I am programmer, and I have over 300 Sites in a multisite arrangement. Great plugin by the way~!

    THe first thing to realize, is that when I have 2 different sites open, they write to the same file, but don’t seem to read from it. ITs weird could be caching.

    At any rate, I would love to have a version for multisite. I would make Install via the Network, all share teh same settings. THen if you want to activate per site, great, and then start saving all the files in different subdirectories.

    Can you start on it before next year, I am trying to find a solution. Thanks

    Plugin Author reviewmylife


    Hi seanster,

    Whenever you click save, Ad Injection will write the ad data to both the database and to those text files.

    However it will only read from the text files if the plugin is running in ‘mfunc’ mode.

    If the plugin is running in ‘direct’ mode the ads will be read from the database.

    I suspect (but have never tried) that if you install Ad Injection on each site and use ‘direct’ mode it will work. However if you use ‘mfunc’ mode each save will overwrite the previously setup ad files – therefore the correct ads will appear in the Ad Injection UI, but the wrong ones could be displayed on the site. This is just a guess – I’ve not tried it.

    Part of the fix to allow Ad Injection to work on multisite (when installed on each blog individually) would be to separate out the ad-injection-data directories so each blog has a separate store.

    I’ve no idea what would be needed to make it work as a network installed plugin.

    I’m pretty sure I won’t have time to look at making Ad Injection multisite compatible this year. I think it will be way into next year before I get round to this. I’ll let you know if I have something you can test! Thanks.

    I would love to see this feature implemented. +1

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