• Leo Plaw


    The documentation for the plugin is non-existant and gives no clues on how to use the very chaotic documentation on the addthis website.

    I want the following services as 16×16 icons, no counter.

    How do I configure the plugin to do this?

    Twitter, FB, Delicious, Pinterest, G+, Stumble Upon, LinkedIn, email, addthis

    So far I have used

    Services / Build your own


    and I get google plus, with a counter, a 49 x 24 Pinterest button, and all of the rest are 16 x 16

    Please, please, please provide consistent documentation on how to use AddThis. It is a nightmare.

    Advanced / addthis_config values: (json format)

    how exactly do I format this? Full JavaScript notation with braces?

    Secondly, in the plugin admin,

    Enter a comma-separated list of service codes

    links to https://addthis.com/services

    instead of https://www.addthis.com/services/list

    or this https://support.addthis.com/customer/portal/articles/381263-addthis-client-api


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  • Thread Starter Leo Plaw


    Here is also is another user wondering how to configure the plugin. I can not get the JSON options to work either.

    Also a bug.

    Services / Build your own if it is unchecked and there are values on the text field, the plugin still shows the icons.

    Thread Starter Leo Plaw


    OK, I have figured out what to do with Basic/Custom Option

    <div class=”addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style “>


    however, upon submit, the plugin strips out g:plusone:annotation=”none” every single time.

    I still have no control over the Pinterest button size

    Thread Starter Leo Plaw


    After much searching, finally the correct code to turn off the Google+ count.

    Lax Mariappan


    Hi Leo Plaw!

    I have the same issue with addthis plugin…

    Here is my addthis button code

    <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
    <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
    <a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
    <a class="addthis_button_google_plusone" g:plusone:size="medium"></a>
    <a class="addthis_button_pinterest" pi:pinit:layout="horizontal"></a>
    <a class="addthis_button_stumbleupon_badge"></a>
    <a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>

    upon submit, the plugin strips out pi:pinit:layout=”horizontal” every single time.

    Any ideas? how to get pinterest count box?

    For anyone looking for the correct code to make the Pinterest button a 16px by 16px icon, here it is:

    <a class="addthis_button_pinterest_share"></a>

    Hope it helps someone!



    @bcoyour – THANK YOU!
    I’m amazed at how poor the documentation for addthis is. there should be a list somewhere of the code for the various buttons, but I haven’t been able to find it. If anyone has a link, please post ??


    Sorry you’ve had trouble. We’re working on improving your ability to find our documentation at https://addthis.com/help — in the meantime, this is the page you’re looking for: https://www.addthis.com/services/list




    Thank you Matt, but that link would not have answered my question. I was looking for the class for the tiny pinterest button, and (apparently pinterest_share, not pinterest, which gives you a big button.) But hopefully that list will help others.

    This came about because apparently the auto generated tiny buttons(the ones that supposed show the social networks most used) were not picking up Pinterest as a most used social network, so that button never showed, even on users who use Pinterest a great deal, they would see networks they rarely used, but never a pinterest button. So we had to add it to the bar manually. So you may want to report that as a problem.

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