• I went to go upgrade adsense manager and the banner popped up saying that I better switch to advertising manager. So I made that switch, and first it broke my blog. Then I deleted adsense manager manually and my blog went back up, but now all my ads are broken. I can’t even preview them.

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  • Crowdog99:

    You are correct – anything that keeps WordPress from working is a bug in the plugin (most of the time ?? ).

    I put a patch into 3.3.14 which checks for Adsense Manager, and if it is enabled, it posts a notice to disable and quits.

    It sounds like this did not happen for your installation – what version did you use?

    The error you are receiving is that Advertising Manager cannot load any of the ad network files for some reason (e.g. all of the files in the advertising-manager/OX/Adnet directory). Did you put any additional files in this directory? Do you have any weird directory permissions?

    Per your email to me, it sounds like Advertising Manager was working, and then stopped working. Did something happen with your ISP?

    If you could give me as much detail as you can, I am happy to work through it with you.



    gmatkin: your welcome ??

    I’m encounering some trouble with this plugin…
    After creating an ad unit I added a widget to my sidebar and now I can’t remove it any more. If I click on edit in the widget nothing happen…
    Any suggestion???


    To remove the widget from your sidebar:

    1. Click on the ‘edit’ button in the ‘Ad: name’ Widget in the ‘Current Widgets’ column.
    2. Click on the ‘remove’ button in the widget.

    The widget should disappear from the ‘Current Widgets’ column. If this is not the functionality, please let me know:

    1. Version of WordPress
    2. Version of Advertising Manager

    And I can try to help you further.


    Hi switzer. As I mentioned before I’ve already tried to click on edit, but the remove button doesn’t come out. I’m using wordpress 2.7.1 and advertise manager 3.3.15. Thank you for your help…


    Strange – Advertising Manager just uses the existing WordPress widget functionality. If you can check your PHP error log and send through any errors during the time you made changes, that would be great.

    Otherwise, ping me on skype (switzer) and I can check out your system in detail.


    Same problem here. I want to remove a widget, but I click on the edit link and nothing happens. I’m using wp 2.7.1 and Advertising Manager 3.3.15. Any help would be appreciated.


    Strange – it works for me using WP 2.7.1 and ADVMAN 3.3.15. Could you skype me (switzer) and I can try to help you on your system.


    Problem solved!!!
    Removed the plugin and all the settings then reinstalled the version 3.3.16… Everything works…

    ibacco: Great to hear!
    bmarolf: How are you going?

    This is the error I’m getting:

    Warning: mt_rand() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/content/n/a/t/nataliemedia/html/eriemedia/wp-content/plugins/advertising-manager/advertising-manager.php on line 243

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/content/n/a/t/nataliemedia/html/eriemedia/wp-content/plugins/advertising-manager/advertising-manager.php on line 243

    I totally deactivated adsense manager before activating Advertising Manager…none of my ads show.

    I went back to AdSense Manager, because deactivating Advertising Manager destroyed my sidebars, but now I have my sidebars but no ads, but also no “Warning” errors.


    What version of PHP are you using? This error would occur if your version of PHP is less than 4.0.4.


    I talked too early…
    I still can’t get rid of widget.
    This is weird… It seemed working yesterday.
    It must be Advertising Manager because there are no problem with the other plugins.

    I spent time with ibacco, and on his WordPress instance, the ad widgets cannot be removed once added. For example, when you try to click ‘edit’ on the added widget, it does not open up to show the ‘remove’ button.

    Using firebug, I see that when clicking the widget, there is no communication back to the server. In addition, there is a JQuery error on the page:

    $(“myform”) is null

    This looks like a WordPress bug to me, but I can only reproduce it with Advertising Manager widgets.

    Does anybody else have this issue?

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