So I went ahead and did it.
// truncate the events table
$wpdb->query('TRUNCATE TABLE '.$wpdb->prefix.'aec_event');
// Get the published events
$posts_array = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'tribe_events', 'numberposts' => 1000, 'order' => 'ASC'));
foreach ($posts_array as $posts) {
$record = array(); // prevent possible nasty issues
// sace the post data
$record['title'] = $posts->post_title;
$record['description'] = $posts->post_content;
$record['user_id'] = $posts->post_author;
// get the post custom data
$custom = get_post_custom($posts->ID);
// save the custom data
$record['start'] = $custom['_EventStartDate']['0'];
$record['end'] = $custom['_EventEndDate']['0'];
$record['allDay'] = $custom['_EventAllDay']['0'];
$record['repeat_freq'] = 0;
$record['repeat_int'] = 0;
$record['category_id'] = 1;
$record['repeat_end'] = substr($custom['_EventEndDate']['0'], 0, stripos($custom['_EventEndDate']['0'], ' '));
// get the venue custom data
$venuecustom = get_post_custom($custom['_EventVenueID']['0']);
// save the venue custom data
$record['venue'] = $venuecustom['_VenueVenue']['0'];
$record['address'] = $venuecustom['_VenueAddress']['0'];
$record['city'] = $venuecustom['_VenueCity']['0'];
$record['state'] = $venuecustom['_VenueStateProvince']['0'];
$record['zip'] = $venuecustom['_VenueZip']['0'];
$record['contact_info'] = $venuecustom['_VenuePhone']['0'];
// insert the event
$wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix.'aec_event', $record);
Not pretty but it works