@flapane, I do not reply to threads anywhere else except here. As I have stated numerous times, if you set it to 0, then it’s 0. I find it funny that in the url you gave, the poster used a “test’ channel, instead of just reading the plugin source code and understand how the logic really works. Since everything on wordpress is open source, I don’t quite understand why he had to do a “test” instead of reading the code and the code will clearly tell him that setting to 0 is 0. His “test” is either setup wrong or he’s lying, since I see another person already said:
DireStraits 03-17-2011, 08:28 AM
“Well, I can honestly say, David, that I changed the PHP code for my plugin to utilise my own AdSense Publisher ID and a custom channel and, with the percentage box (in the plugin configuration panel) set to 0%, I’ve never seen any impressions or clicks show up on that channel over the last few months.
So I’m not entirely convinced there ever was anything underhand/sneaky going on with this plugin. Just be sure to put a “0” in the appropriate box within the plugin’s configuration panel, and you should be a-okay. ”