• When viewing the home page of a WP site the upcoming events show up with no CSS styling and showing old events. When the home page is viewed after clicking a link to it, all appears fine. There is CSS styling and no old events. This can either be an external link or the home link on the WP site. If I type in a URL to anything other than the home page, everything displays fine then, too. This problem only appears when manually entering the main URL in the browser. I can’t seem to figure out what is causing this.

    WordPress 3.3.2 and AIO Calendar 1.6.3. This was not an issue before updating to 1.6.3.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    EDIT: I just clicked the link to the WP site at the bottom of this post and there was no CSS so I guess my prior description was not entirely accurate. All else seems to hold true.


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  • u r set menu for that if u set then check which id u set.

    other thing is u set front page is home page or any other page check it.

    no other issue here


    Thread Starter machouinard


    I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand.

    check your deskboad setting there is no other issue in css.
    ho i check that?
    u check?

    Your site URL is www.domain.com while your home page links to just domain.com
    For some reason, https://www.domain.com hosts the old, 1.5 version, of the plugin and your domain.com install hosts the 1.6.3 version of the plugin.
    Is it possible that you have 2 wordpress versions installed? one on https://www.domain.com and one on domain.com?

    The above could be completely wrong, I concluded that you are using the 1.5 version because the widget on https://www.domain.com is looking for css/js files at location that was used in v1.5
    Version 1.6 is using a new location for js/css files: wp-content/themes-ai1ec
    https://www.domain.com looks for the files in the wrong(old) location while domain.com looks for the files in the right location.

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