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  • Haven’t heard anything yet, @thepathtohome. Will post here when a solution is provided.

    P.S. You’ll get a quicker response if you can provide more information to the devs:

    WP version
    Ailec version
    Confirm all other plugins are disabled
    Browser(s) version(s)
    Confirm problem persists with WP default theme

    Fresh default install of WP Version 3.4.1
    Only plugin activated is the All-in-One Event Calendar Version 1.8.2
    Using IE 9.0.8, Firefox 14.0.1, Chrome V21.0.1180.75 & V21.0.1180.77 m

    *Calendar Notice “dismiss” buttons do not work in any of the above. All other WP buttons work fine.
    Date pickers and time pickers do not work.

    *Fresh Manual WP Install with fresh database.
    *installed AIOEC basic through WP plugin installer
    *Upgraded to AIOEC premium free. Then “dismiss” buttons started working. Date pickers and time pickers still do not work in all browsers mentioned above.

    *Whole install with DB is available for troubleshooting*
    *Admin account access available for troubleshooting*

    @tekhneco — Thanks for the reply. Hope this is enough info.

    Any resolution?

    Still working on it. Bailly over at tech support is on the case.

    Hey @pathtohome, tech support found a fix for my problem with the date/time picker. Not sure what they did behind the scenes with the code but it’s working now.

    I deleted the ai1ec plugin and theme folder via FTP and did a fresh install with the front page download link to premium v1.8.3.

    Still having an issue with clearing the Core Calendar alert but the date/time feature is working and the calendar is updating.

    Hope this helps you.


    While doing some troubleshooting, I installed 2 separate WP 3.4.1 installs on 2 different domains. I installed the calendar as the only plugin on both installs.

    I found it worked on one but not the other. Both were hosted on the same server and had identical salts, user credentials, php.ini’s, etc. They were exact mirrors of each other with the exception of database username/host.

    The only difference between the two installs was the DNS. One was using Cloudflare and the other was using a godaddy DNS. The one that wasn’t working was the Cloudflare DNS.

    I changed the DNS from Cloudflare back to godaddy and the problem resolved. It must be an issue with how Cloudflare loads scripts in replication or something.

    I was curious if you were using a similar DNS solution…


    Wow, that’s kind of weird.

    I use which has always been rock solid on WP installs.

    Mark from discovered that several critical ai1ec files didn’t load from the original download — which I had no way of knowing. More likely a problem related to my crap CenturyLink residential broadband that constantly cycles up/down without warning.

    Apparently, we have the technology to send a software patch to the Mars rover 35 million miles away but our ISPs can’t provide stable connections. Sigh.



    @thepathtohome – thank you for sharing this with fellow users. Nice work!

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