• Resolved manajoe


    Hi there,
    I installed your plugin in version 1.2.4 and I’m thrilled, its exactly what I was looking for. Just this little problem:
    I add an event, which is displayed in all views (month, week, agenda), I can expand and collapse the view. But if I click on “Details”, I just get an almost blank page, with only the event title displayed, not the information and google maps.
    I can view the details, if I go to the event using this link: ?ai1ec_event=ah-training&instance_id= without an instance_id-number. As soon as there is a number following (which seems to be the default and necessary for repeated events) ?ai1ec_event=ah-training&instance_id=3 I just get this blank page. (testlink https://test.mm13.de/?ai1ec_event=ah-training&instance_id=3)
    Are there any hints for me?


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  • sglee2120


    Yani, I guess I have to give up and try another calendar. Thanks anyway for trying to figure it out, but I guess this has you licked, so to speak.

    thanks so much for all your efforts,



    Sorry all, I am really busy these days.
    I will try to make it up to you by working on this issue on the weekend.



    Any solution in sight? In case when?



    In apps/helper/class-ai1ec-events-helper.php at line 63 i removed
    , $instance_id and now it works. Now i have trouble with google maps that does not show my position. Any solution for this



    Yani, thanks for your efforts, and please don’t give up! This plugin has so much potential

    Susan, good luck ??

    birdav, oh man if that works i’m so tempted to try it, but it sounds like it could wind up breaking some things?



    I was writing in another thread Event details page not functioning
    please yani.iliev don’t give up…this plugin is gonna be the best event management

    p.s I tried to remove instance in line 63 but didn’t solve the issue. Also tried to remove instance from the url on the event page, ex. mysite.com/ai1ec_event/example-event/ but nothing changed




    No one is giving up ??
    There will be a new version released today (keeping the 2 weeks release cycle).
    We will be adding 1-2 new developers to help with the support and to answer questions here.
    I am hopeful that we will be able to answer all requests in a week.




    Are you saying that you think today’s release will fix this problem? Or are you saying that you think it may be another week or longer? For those of us who are trying to go live, that seems sooooooo long. I know it isn’t really, and I KNOW you all are working VERY HARD. Really I do!!

    It’s just . . .



    Thanks so much Yani!

    Looking forward to testing the new version today with the fixes for this big issue.

    We are all ready to test it out and see if it works



    still doesn’t work for me, although i don’t think Yani meant this particular update would fix it



    Where do i find the update? Can′t find it on www.ads-software.com.



    I can’t find the update too.

    Also, most important if not necessary to make the plugin works, will this update fix the issue we are talking in this thread?

    Thanks a lot Yani



    birdav & jumust,

    for me, i just went into the plugins area in my dashboard and scrolled to where it showed the update-available notification for this plugin…clicked “update automatically” (possibly not exact words)

    updated successfully but did not fix this issue. i don’t think it was supposed to. My sense is that Yani is still working on it.



    Mine doesn’t even show that there’s an update available. But, because it doesn’t fix our problem–darn it–I’m not going to worry about it. I didn’t think it was intended to either, but we could always hope, right?

    I tried a SLEW of other calendars over the week-end, and each of them had something that didn’t work, too–or they had something that didn’t fit for what I need. But I guess I’d better go back to looking.




    The update will show on the WordPress.
    It is a day or two behind the schedule.
    You will get notified in your admin panel (WordPress Dashboard) about the new version once it is released.

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