• Resolved Jon Brown


    From the demo this plugin looks really good. I have a couple feature suggestions however.

    #1 A week and year view of the calendar would be nice.
    #2 It’s a bit odd that from the single event view that previous/next doesn’t advance to the next event chronologically, but rather to next event definition (CPT). Hence, referring to the demo linked from the plugin page, if you’re on a single post view of “A concert” which recurs and click next you skip the rest of the concerts and see the Blackhawk vs Coyotes game. As a developer I understand exactly why it currently works this way, I’m just suggesting that it’s not behavior I’d expect as a user.


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  • Is it possible to have multi-day events show up as a single band spanning the dates of the event instead of individual entries on each date? Thanks.

    +1 on digitalnordic’s suggestion.

    Also, need biweekly option added to drop down menu for repeat events. Many thanks for the great plugin!

    Great suggestion!

    This is possible, you will have to look into the code. We made sure that the code is well documented.

    Add it to your trac setup and we will try to add it in some release: https://trac.the-seed.ca/

    This is coming in 1.1.0

    Thank you, very match! I have solved my problem!



    Alexvs, do you mind sharing your solution? I am in the same predicament. :/

    Does version 1.2 support shortcodes?

    Please follow the ticket for status of shortcodes:

    It is currently set for 1.2.1 and will be updated according to how the development goes

    Can’t wait!!

    Without being able to provide restricted/pre-filtered views, I haven’t been able to use this plug-in for real.

    Shortcodes will make an enormous difference and probably warrants v2.0 on its own.

    I was there and know about delay. But I couldn’t wait. The client wanted to display calendar on several pages, so I had to extend the plugin by myself.

    There is one major issue that we need to tackle before the shortcodes support can be added. We have almost agreed on a new release cycle of 2 weeks which basically means that every 2 weeks there will be a new ai1ec release.

    Great to hear it!
    You could send us a patch – trac.the-seed.ca

    I don’t have a patch. I just added the following code to the functions.php file (I know it is not very professional but it works):

    // ai1ec shortcode
    function ai1ec_route_request_shortcode() {
    	global $ai1ec_settings,
    	// Render view
    	// Save page content to local variable
    	$ai1ec_content = ob_get_contents();
    	<link rel='stylesheet' href='https://www.domain.com/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/css/calendar.css?ver=1' type='text/css' media='all' />
    	<script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.domain.com/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/js/jquery.scrollTo-min.js?ver=1'></script>
    	<script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.domain.com/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/js/jquery.tablescroll.js?ver=1'></script>
    	<script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.domain.com/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/js/element-selector.js?ver=1'></script>
    	<script type='text/javascript'>
    	/* <![CDATA[ */
    	var ai1ec_calendar = {
    		ajaxurl: "https://www.domain.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
    		default_hash: "#action=ai1ec_agenda&ai1ec_page_offset=0",
    		export_url: "webcal://www.domain.com/?plugin=all-in-one-event-calendar&controller=ai1ec_exporter_controller&action=export_events",
    		body_class: "ai1ec-calendar ai1ec-action-agenda"
    	/* ]]> */
    	<script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.domain.com/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/js/calendar.js?ver=1'></script>
    	return '<div id="ai1ec-container" class="ai1ec-container">' . $ai1ec_content . '</div>';
    add_shortcode('ai1ec', 'ai1ec_route_request_shortcode');

    FYI: Here is a how to guide to add shortcode manually. But only till the next update:

    Multi-day events only show the first day of the event in month view. For instance, if the event is from January 10 to January 15, the event only show in January 10. I did realise that it shows properly in the week view, but i think it is a lot better to show it in the month view since it is a default view. Users might think that the date where the event continues got no event. Is there a way to show multi-days event properly in month view. If it can be done quickly, can you please show me how? Thank you.

    This is coming in next release.
    You can track the progress here: #177

    look forward to 1.3. thank you very much for all the hard work!

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