Hi, Richard,
short follow-up: thanks for the tip on all-in-one-event-calendar/app/model/class-ai1ec-settings.php (lines 423-427). I modified the lines as follows;
'posterboard' => __( 'Pinwand', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
'month' => __( 'Monat', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
'week' => __( 'Woche', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
'oneday' => __( 'Tag', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
'agenda' => __( 'Agenda', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
So anyone with the same problem: just change the strings in those lines to your language and you’re good to go.
I also found the problem with the “View Calendar” button in the widget: in the german .po file the key was botched: I compared the entry to the .pot file and found there were some extra characters in the string which prohibited the match. After removing the extra characters from the key (and generating the .mo file again) the string is now recognized and I see the german caption.
I’ll leave the backend alone for now, that is of no importance to me. I’ve sent the updated .po and .mo files to [email protected] – maybe you can use them.
Thanks again for your support,