• Hi, just to give my lost research time more sense, I will share my observations with this plugin here. Note to the authors: this is not bashing, I am giving you an unbiased review of what is wrong with your plugin so you might better understand what people need – I am not trying to be extremely polite, but text is just taken from my notes, so in any case please do not take it personally – I totally understand from my own experience that programming a calendar is by no means an easy thing to do, so please read my words as contribution to your success (and how it might get an even better one:)

    This is the list of reasons why I can not use this plugin:

    • Most problematic: “events” are a custom post type (seems so to me), this is an approach that makes some things more complicated than neccessary, e.g. with many themes you will have problems showing events in any kind of “featured” area – also this way events usually are not shown in the flow of posts until you heavily customize your theme – what might break other features or plugin, why you do not want to do this, if you are not absolutely sure that your site-features and theme will not change for a long time.
      This again means that your site content categorization strategy has to be adjusted to this fact. This can be good, if you can build a new site, but usually it is bad, because you will have to generate two posts for an event – one actual calendar event and another post that will occur in the NEWS or WHATEVER categoriy of your site – this is not very clever, even if others are also doing it like this. An event should be an property that can be attached to a post, that way you will have full theme support and can utilize categories or tags to control, where your content is shown.
    • There is no way to input multi-day events that have different event times on different days – but that is quite usual for multi-day events! So if you have a multi-day event that starts on the first day at 12:00 and lasts until 15:00, but the second day runs from 10:00 to 18:00, you have to make this two separate events – not good.
    • “Upcoming Events” widget is shown even if there are no upcoming events.
    • The widget shows every day of a multi-day event as a separate entry, this should be made optional, as it is filling up your widget area with repeated strings.
    • The widget should have more options to change the appearance of the event list.
    • I can not make the “Subscribe to Google Calendar Button” disappear
    • The buttons are really ugly – generally there should be much more options to customize the appearance of the calendar and related items.
    • Also there is small bug showing me “:00 pm” on the beginning of en event string that starts at 8:00 pm
    • Please add an option to delete everything your plugin wrote to the wordpress database! Leave the house, where you have been a guest, clean!

    Maybe there′s more, however that was enough for me! Hopefully this features are easy to add, BTW what I really liked with your plugin is your focus on ical implementation, that alone is a monster of work, I know it! ??


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  • We did have such a link in the Settings page but removed it as it wasn’t getting much attention ??

    We haven’t received such a request that I know of yet, we can certainly look to add it but there is an ever growing list of feature requests. We can always add something quick through Premium Support:



    A positive side to using custom posts for events – As a multilingual site owner (via WPML), I like this because this way WPML allows me to create translations for the events

    Hi Yani,

    First, thanks for a great plugin and being very present in this forum. That’s very good! ??

    I also tried a bunch of caladar plugins and this one was also the best I found for my needs. But I echo several of @wpforums’ request. Most important to me at this time is the fact that, the widget shows every day of a multi-day event as a separate entry which definitely should be optional. I’m working on a client site right now and they specifically complained about this.

    Setting recurring events at different times for each recurrence is also high on my list. Related to that is the ability to set repeats to any date and not just by preset intervals of x days/weeks/months. I could have an event occurring on one date, the first repeat 2 days later and the 3rd a week from the second occurrence for example. This needs much more flexibility (in the real world, each repeat of an event could also be in a different venue… ;).

    All in all, awesome job guys! It seems the plugin is also evolving fast.

    as nelra said, we had a donate button on our settings page in previous releases but we only received like 1-2 donations so we decided to abandon it.
    We hope that people will like the plugin and the support we provide and will eventually choose us for their next developing project. We will keep the plugin open source and free.
    As for separating “Hide Subscriber/Add to Calendar buttons in calendar and single event views” – great suggestion and makes good sense. I will add it for one of our next releases.

    Thank you!
    Multiday events should be displayed as one single entry. If you see multiple instances then this is likely a bug. I haven’t looked into the widget but I will make sure everything is correct there.
    Recurrence: this is a great idea, perhaps we can keep the UI the way it is but you can run it multiple times to create more than one recurrence rule. Thanks!

    I’ve looked around quite a lot as well, and believe this to be the best of the bunch calendar plugin – for me at least ??

    To add my feedback: As per my separate post, I really wish I could set a default date for the month and week views, to override the calendar showing the current month/week by default. Why? My application is for a festival which runs over a single month in the summer. All events are during this month so users viewing the calendar month before then see nothing by default. I imagine this would be a common application.

    And yes it would be great if one could assign a feature image to each event, and also ordinary categories, so events could be listed in theme portfolio pages, sliders, etc.

    An option to create ‘venues’ with addresses, maps etc, and to be able to assign venu to event, rather than having to add details multiple times.

    Thanks though guys – great plugin.

    Hi Yani:

    I installed the latest Version 1.2.2 and it looks like the Add to Calendar button still creates a whole new shared calendar in Outlook instead of opening a single event for review/save to user’s existing default calendar. You mentioned above this was a confirmed bug and would be fixed in a future release. I just wanted to follow-up to see if you plan to modify that function.

    Thanks so much for this great plug-in!

    Bob Herman
    Tropolis Group

    Thank you for the feedback! What you are suggesting makes a lot of sense to me. I will discuss it with the other developers we will be likely adding the option to minimize entering duplicate details multiple times.
    As for showing the calendar at particular time/date – this will also be included at some point.
    Happy new year!

    Thanks for getting back to me. I was off during the last couple weeks but now that I am back, I will see what is the status of this.
    Happy new year!

    I try to achieve this:
    Say I have event for example on 1, 2, 4 & 5 january 2012 and today is 3 January 2012. I want to place it in the way below:

    1. next event (show the closest next event in full single page – 4 Jan)
    2. upcoming event (show an event after next event in full single page – 5 Jan)
    3. recent event (show an event that just past before today in full single page – 2 Jan)
    4. events archive (show 5 past events with title starting from the most recent events, link and excerpt from the event before recent event (2 Jan) – just like usual blog archive page. It may have pagination to view another 5 events and so on)

    I can do the events archive page (and other pages as well) using the code below if I’m using regular wordpress category:

    <?php $args=array(
          'cat' => 5,
          'showposts' => 5,
          'caller_get_posts' => 1,
          'offset' => 2
        $my_query = new WP_Query($args);
        if( $my_query->have_posts() ) { while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
    	<h3><strong><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Pautan ke <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></strong></h3>
        } //if ($my_query)
      wp_reset_query();  // Restore global post data stomped by the_post().

    Nelra replied:

    There are a few ways to do things – for categories, one would be:
    get_terms( ‘events_categories’, $args );

    For events themselves, it depends on what you want to do exactly. You can query the ai1ec_event table, or do get_posts where post_type = ai1ec_event

    but sadly I dont know how and where I should put it. Please yani @ nelra.. Thank you thank you thank you…

    I also tried to call event’s date and place so I can show them in other place and view. But again, I could find it. What is the custom field (isn’t it?) that is used for date and place so I can show them somewhere else? Is there any code I need to add before I can call for them? Thanks again.

    Thanks Yani

    One other thing. For another site I use this calendar plugin…


    simply because it permits me to assign a specific user role for those who can add/edit events, i.e. I can let site Authors edit the calendar, without having to make them Editors or Admins.

    It would be lovely if your calendar had this functionality for multi-user sites ??

    Keep up the good work.


    I have checked everything and for some reason this plug in wont load on my site, I just the spinning loading wheel in front of my calendar. I have jquery 1.7 and the latest version of wordpress, what could be wrong?

    First off, love this plugin. Really powerful & great features.

    One main question that I am trying to resolve..
    Is there a way to have an EVENT also display as a POST?
    & if so, how can I make that happen?

    Rb1368 I too have started to get the spinning wheel in front of my calendar (faded out behind the spinning wheel). Going to start troubleshooting it asap but would like to know from the developer if this is an issue introduced with the latest update?

    Resolved: I launched the site and with different WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) and got the endless spinning circle (Ajax). I set both the URLs to the same value and it’s OK now.

    Interestingly, if I loaded the calendar using the WordPress Address (URL) – even if it’s different than the Site Address (URL) it works. You would think the opposite would be true since some people can’t or don’t want to use the same URL for both.




    I was hoping the Add to Calendar button that generates a .ics file would be coded to add to user’s default calendar. Instead, it creates a whole new calendar in Outlook. Anyway to add an event to existing default Outlook calendar, or is there another plug-in that has this functionality?

    Thank you,

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