• Hi eventualo, I just upgraded to the latest version and implemented all the work-arounds from https://www.eventualo.net/blog/wp-alo-easymail-newsletter-faq/#faq-3, except define('ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true);. I deleted the current newsletter and de- and re-activated the plugin and started a new newsletter… but still the plugin keeps sending out the newsletter over and over again to the fist +/- 7 recipients ??

    When in debug logging mode, there seems nothing wrong. All mails end up in the log file just fine. When in debug sending mode (to newsletter author) I see the multiple mails to the fist recipients coming in after each 10 minute interval. Each time it is sent to between 4 and 11 of the first recipients. After 6 passes it seems to stop…

    It seems related to Configure SMTP plugin by Scott Reilly because when I deactivate it and let sending run through my webhosts server instead of external Gmail, it seems to do a better job — except that sending via the webserver is so extremely limited that it will take two days to send my about 300 recipients… provided there are enough visits to trigger all batches in time ??

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  • After studying the error logs and finding a lot of “database has gone away” errors, I think the problem is either the query cache size or a mysql timeout here…

    Plugin Author eventualo


    Thank you for the report. I think you are right about cache size and timeout… I hope to work and solve it very soon…

    Hmmm… it seems to be something else.

    The sysadmin was so kind to adjust the query cache size and timeout settings and the related errors have not appeared in my logs since. But sadly, the problem of the multiple e-mails to a limited number of recipients remains ;(

    In debug mode, so I receive all messages, I see that some get only one mail, others about 2, 3 or 4 and some get a dozen or more. And the process keeps re-firing the messages like a broken record while it is reported (stuck) at 7% all the time. I have the feeling it could go on endlessly if not aborted… Which I did after more than 200 messages.

    Batch settings are at 90 per batch at 0 ms interval. The SMTP settings are smtp.gmail.com via SSL over port 465. Sending single e-mails works fine.

    I do not have any errors in the logs. I will continue testing with different batch settings and report back if I notice any change.

    Hi –
    Before I get too much further along with my commitment to this plug-in, I was wondering if the issue in this thread has been addressed/repaired?

    Plugin Author eventualo


    This thread is old and related to version 1.x. With version 2 there are not these issues. For more info I suggest that you visit plugin faqs and forum.

    thank you. Will look now!

    hey, that’s good news. can I mark it solved then? I have not tested it though…

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