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  • I found the solution for my problem. If anyone interested I put overflow:hidden code for arrows.

    But I noticed that I have another problem right now. I do not want to include AnythingSlider pages in my search results.

    Is there any way to exclude the slider pages from my search results?

    Thank you all in advance.

    Presumably you’re re you talking about search engines (.vs site search) and if so, the plugin that I have found most helpful for this is Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin.

    It rocks (amongst numerous other reasons) because WordPress SEO automatically generates your XML map every time you create/update a post/page.

    So, for slides you’d just check off the the selection whereby you can remove the entire “slides” post type altogether; each time WordPress SEO generates a new XML map.

    If you’d like to see a more thorough personal review of how WordPress SEO by Yoast actually (effectively) replaces what previously took me three different plugins:

    And here’s the actual repos. link:

    Hope this helps!

    Best regards,


    hi mbravura,

    thank you for your suggestion. I activated the plugin. And changed my slide posts to noindex and nofollow from the options. However, when i search the site, the search results still show up the slide pages.

    Plugin Author Jacob Dubail


    Hey guys,

    I think it would be a good idea to exclude slides from all searches for all users of the plugin. What do you both think? Would anyone want their slides to show up in search results?

    If I get a conclusive answer, I’ll update the code and post an update this week.


    Hey Jacob,

    To be honest, I was always disturbed by the slider posts appearing in site search results. However, I finally found this website:

    I simply put the following code to my functions.php, then placed the slider post IDs (40 and 9) since I had only two slides, and it worked quite well. They are not appearing in search results anymore.

    // search filter
    function fb_search_filter($query) {
        if ( !$query->is_admin && $query->is_search) {
            $query->set('post__not_in', array(<strong>40, 9</strong>) ); // id of page or post
        return $query;
    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'fb_search_filter' );

    However, my suggestion is that it would be better if you could put an option to admin panel where users can confirm whether to include slides in the search results or not.

    Thank you all for your support.

    @jacob – yes, that would be absolutely, positively, 100% truly excellent. I, too, am curious under what circumstance someone would actually want the slides to show up (in either the SE’s or on-site search).

    @burakb – to hide from on-site search function I use a theme that I specifically include/exclude which pages/posts show up on the nav bar. So I’m not sure how you’d accomplish slides not showing up in on-site search results.

    For some strange reason that do not even show up with WP Hide Post installed; unlike standard posts.

    So if you do discover a suitable solution, please post it here!

    Best regards,


    as I previously mentioned, I simply added the below code into my theme’s functions.php file.

    // search filter
    function fb_search_filter($query) {
        if ( !$query->is_admin && $query->is_search) {
            $query->set('post__not_in', array(40, 9) ); // id of page or post
        return $query;
    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'fb_search_filter' );

    Just change where it says “40, 9” in the above code with the id numbers of the anythingslider posts.

    If you have more than two slides then you should seperate with commas as in the above code.

    slide 1 post id= 23,
    slide 2 post id=30
    slide 3 post id=25

    then the line should be like this:

    $query->set('post__not_in', array(23, 30, 25) ); // id of page or post

    and the whole code is like this;

    // search filter
    function fb_search_filter($query) {
        if ( !$query->is_admin && $query->is_search) {
            $query->set('post__not_in', array(23, 30, 25) ); // id of page or post
        return $query;
    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'fb_search_filter' );

    This is tested by me and works absolutely allright for my theme. Hope this helps.

    @burakb – sorry, I meant “plugin” when I said suitable solution. Not a code hack. For as many anythingsilder slides as I’ve got, that would be a messy solution at best.

    Plugin Author Jacob Dubail


    Hey guys,

    I just pushed a new version of the plugin that excludes all slides from search.


    Hey Jacob,

    I just updated the plugin and everything went wonky on me. I had 3 slideshows lined up side-by-side, but now they are in a row one on top of the other. In Firefox they are off-centered and squished together as well…

    Not sure if I should be starting a new thread for this, since this thread was started with a different topic and since resolved, but wanted to be sure you got this

    Plugin Author Jacob Dubail


    Hi heatherland,

    I just updated the plugin again, which will hopefully fix this… let me know.


    Thanks for the update J.

    Thanks for the update Jacob. For some reason WordPress wasn’t notifying me of the update so I grab it from your plugin page and overwrote the earlier install. Sadly it still isn’t lining up for me. In Chrome the slides don’t seem to be lining up at all.

    Perhaps I should go back to an earlier version? Is there somewhere I can download old versions?

    ~ heather

    Div class=”anything Slider …” is rendering above the targeted div i want it in.
    I want it in the leftcolumn div I put in, inside another “homeslider” div, but it always renders at the top of the page directly inside “entry-content”.

    Please view in IE compatibility mode.

    The update forced a full-width of the page… now scrambling to get it back into the leftcol.

    Hi Jacob,

    I am experiencing a similar phenomena. The slider is being forced to the top, regardless of where in the content it’s actually placed..

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