I would like to have the possibility to use the itunes store from a different country. This can now be done manually by adding the country=<country_code> to de ASA_APPSTORE_URL.
define('ASA_APPSTORE_URL', 'https://ax.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStoreServices.woa/wa/wsLookup?country=nl&id=');
Also you must then change the currency sign to euro’s and drop the cent stuff.
Also in the app-store-assistant/js_functions/editor_plugin.js you need to change the “ATOM Feed URL” to make sure the links are going to the right country itunes store. you can do this like:
"https://itunes.apple.com/" . <country_code> . "/rss/toppaidmacapps/limit=25");
I still seem to have trouble finding out where the feed text language is set.
Also after an update this will all get lost.
Would be nice if you could make this stick.