• Hi, in my WP I use the famous Sandbox theme. I use Asideshop plugin, too.

    When I search a term that it isn’t in aside posts, my site look like this.

    Instead, if I search a term that I know it’s in asides, my template looks like this!

    This code line is the problem:

    <body class="<div class="asides">

    In practice, Asideshop replaces my body tag with the first aside post.

    This happens only in search results page and only if the first result is an aside post.

    Is there a way to exclude the Asideshop template from Search?


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  • Giofilo,

    Looking at your site I suspect you have a plugin or theme that is using The Loop to add CSS classes which correspond to the categoties post is put in, like

    <div id="post-675" class="hentry p3 post publish author-giofilo category-phanomenologie category-er-meglio tag-italia" ...

    You see, AsideShop is like a big hack, which intercepts posts and alters them according to the AsideShop templates and them flushes all the collected posts into the main theme. If any plugin tries to do something similar with The Loop then things may break. It’s pretty hard to pinpoint plugins which may cause it since sometimes results differ in different environments.

    Thread Starter giofilo


    Hi maijs, thank you for the reply!

    Yes, my theme add classes automatically. I think it’s the problem too.

    In Asideshop options is possible to exclude aside template from Home page and from Archive pages, but there isn’t a way to exclude it from search page.

    Do you know a way to do this?

    Thank you very much and sorry for my bad english ??


    I will look into this.

    Thanks for you feedback!


    Version 1.0.7 solves your problem as you can disable aside template parsing on search view pages.


    Thread Starter giofilo


    Great! Thanks maijs!

    Not meaning to thread hijack, but I’ve got a similar problem, except I need to exclude asideshop from doing anything on one specific page (my Archive page) because it’s not playing nice with another plug-in. So as to not give you a headache in coding exclusions of specific pages, is there anyway to do this without major reconstruction of a theme?


    What exactly is that you want to achieve?


    I’d like to disable Asideshop from parsing anything on a specific page. Much like Geoflio wanted to stop it from parsing on the Search page.


    I would appreciate if you were more.. specific. ?? Which pages exactly you’d like to be exluded from parsing? By “archive” you mean single post page, something else? In WordPress understanding of the word “archive” is quite broad.

    LoL yeah sorry, yes I mean a single page post.


    Sorry, single post page cannot be parsed.. yet. There was a discussion with danapalooza on Request for ideas page and I mentioned that for your asides you usually put comment count at the end. And that count is something you don’t want to see in a single post page therefore there have to be two templates – one for listings, another one for single post page.

    That’s something I don’t have time for at this very moment. Will try to do that in future.

    Thanks for your feedback. (Donations are appreciated, hihi.)

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