It looks like you are using a plugin to automatically insert links to twitter hash tags. Unfortunately, it looks like this plugin can’t tell the difference between a Twitter hash tag and a CSS color code in the style attribute of one of the tags Audio Player inserts.
Audio Player inserts this:
<p class="audioplayer_container"><span style="display:block;padding:5px;border:1px solid #dddddd;background:#f8f8f8" id="audioplayer_1">Audio clip: ...
And the other plugin turns it it this:
<p class="audioplayer_container"><span style="display:block;padding:5px;border:1px solid #<a href="https://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23dddddd" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Search Twitter for "dddddd"">dddddd</a>;background:#f8f8f8" id="audioplayer_1">Audio clip: ...
As you can see it has messed up the code and that’s why Audio Player doesn’t work.
You need to disable this plugin and contact its developer. In my opinion it shouldn’t be very difficult to fix it.