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  • Hey, Thanks for your support. I didn’t find any problems with the stylesheet. I Googled and found this additional css which I modified — and now the avatars are clickable in IE too. I had specified only the image, but when I styled li and .with-name, it worked.

    Thanks for your help! The Author-Avatar plugin is terrific. I hope the upgrade to 2.8 won’t break any of this plugin’s functions.



    I have been wrestling with your widget, trying to get it not to wrap into the widget below it.

    My site is

    If anyone knows how to do this I would appreciate the help.

    Thanks bforchammer for the awesome widget!!



    livebydesign: in your style.css remove “float: right;” from the img.avatar rule; now the avatars should be centered in the widget area…

    Now to make the avatars be on the right or left side add the following to your style.css, and set text-align to “left” or “right” respectively:
    html .multiwidget_author_avatars .author-list { text-align:left; }



    Your a genius!!! It looks great! Thanks!



    Ok, one more question. if you look at my site in safari or chrome the avatar_authors widget looks great, but in firefox the right side gets pushed over to the next row. Any thoughts?



    Probably too much padding on .multiwidget_author_avatars .author-list .user; you can try reducing it or using a fixed pixel value instead of em.

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