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  • I hate to sound demanding, but one thing that I find less than ideal is having the role and capabilities showing in the title. Ordinary visitors to my blog don’t really need to be told whether someone is an author, editor, or administrator.

    Another funny aspect of that is that because I use runPHP the titles for admins look like this: “Bodhipaksa (administrator, can_runPHP)”.

    Ideally I’d like to be able to exclude the roles from the titles to avoid visual clutter.

    BTW, is there somewhere can make a donation for this plugin? I’m just overjoyed that you’ve put this together.



    Good point about the user role… Our plan is to add a userinfo popup field at some point which then can be configured to display details on the user; I agree that the average user probably does not need to see the role either way.

    When I get around to implementing that feature the title is definately going away; if you don’t want to wait you can already replace your local copy of the lib/UserList.class.php with this development version to remove the role from the title…

    Thanks. That’s just so much neater.

    Again, I’d love to make a donation to support your work. If there’s a place I can do that or an email address I can use for PayPal, please let me know.

    Hi guys,

    I’d like to ask if is there a way to add in the ‘sorting order’ (in the widget) to display authors by number of posts? or only show authors that have user photos or avatars (I have the User Photo plugin and it works well with author avatars).

    I have this problem wherein most authors doesn’t have a user photo, thus showing the default avatar from gravatar ??



    Haecceity: Here’s a PayPal Donation link. I’m real happy that our plugin is useful to other people ??

    Mikolatz: Thanks for confirming that the User Photo plugin works with our plugin. Sorting by the author’s number of posts is a great idea… I’ll see if I can get it into the next release.

    Thanks! I’m very happy to support your work. This plugin is the only way I can think of to help me get round the problem of having a very long list of authors in my sidebar.



    Thank you very much, Haecceity! Please let me know if there’s something that you’d like to see in the next version.. ??

    Hi guys-

    I have somehow lost my avatars in my blog posts – they used to be added in top left corner automatically, and now they are gone.

    Did a recent update affect this?

    It’d be great if it automatically inserted the author avatar, rather than using the button or shortcode for each post. Is this possible?

    Thanks for your help!





    Automatically adding the user’s avatar to posts is not something that’s provided by our plugin at the moment, therefore I am not sure if it has anything to do with one of our recent updates. ??

    Have you upgraded any other plugins recently or changed your theme?

    To add the the avatar of a post author the post I would probably add something like the following to my theme. (Insert where you want the avatar to appear (inside the post loop!) and then style span.avatar in style.css to float and add padding etc.).

    <span class="avatar">
      <?php echo get_avatar(get_the_author_email()); ?>

    I think there are also some plugins that do provide that feature (post avatar maybe?).

    love this plugin, thank you. one little quirk/suggestion – it seems that the sorting by userID isn’t quite perfect. user ID 12 is before userID 3, so I think that single digits aren’t sorting before double digits if that makes sense? super minor but i thought i’d mention it.

    thanks so much for this perfect plugin!

    Thread Starter Paul Bearne


    Thanks for the spot.

    We sort it out in the next version.


    Hi developers, i would like to ask if you have raw codes of author avatar list that i can put on my sidebar.php instead of adding it by means of widgets.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Thank you very much.

    Thread Starter Paul Bearne


    We are off work for couple of days we will post some code examples when are back in the office.




    elizabethannedesigns: thanks for spotting, just fixed it in the dev version.

    fsgraffiti: yes it is possible but I haven’t written up a tutorial of any kind for that so you’re going to have to figure parts of it out yourself… Start by trying to add the following code to your sidebar.php:

    			<h3>Random Author</h3>
    			require_once(ABSPATH . PLUGINDIR . '/author-avatars/lib/UserList.class.php' );
    			$userlist = new UserList();
    			$userlist->hiddenusers = array('admin');
    			$userlist->roles = array('Administrator', 'Editor', 'Author');
    			$userlist->link_to_authorpage = true;
    			$userlist->show_name = true;
    			$userlist->avatar_size = 50;
    			$userlist->limit = 1;
    			$userlist->order = 'random';

    The <li> and <h3> tags might be different depending on your theme… $userlist->output() prints the list of avatars.

    The parameters are only documented in-code at the moment (see UserList class fields, l. 17-83) but the naming should be pretty much the same as for the authoravatars shortcode

    Hope this helps.

    guys, great work, nice plugin!
    i just tried it on my “wordpress mu” site but when i activate the “link to the author” the pictures do not link to the author′s (the author′s blog) but to which is wrong because the users are not authors of the main site – do you see any chance to hack this?

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