• Resolved rowsdowr


    After upgrading to WordPress 3.4 I noticed that most of my Featured Image thumbnails were missing. It seems that thumbnails I had set manually were still displayed, but ones that were generated by this plugin wouldn’t show up anymore.

    The missing thumbnails are gone from the front end and are no longer set as Featured Image on the Edit Post screen. They are still listed in the gallery but the their preview images are blank.

    When creating new posts, this plugin doesn’t generate thumbnails automatically anymore.

    I looked around in the MYSQL database and noticed that thumbnails generated by this plugin don’t have a _wp_attached_file entry in the _postmeta table. Manually set thumbnails, which still work, have _wp_attached_file set to their specific image URL. Maybe this has something to do with it?


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  • Help!! all images lost.. wht to do?

    [Please stop posting in uppercase. It’s the electronic equivalent of shouting and is considered quite rude. Post de-capped.]

    @kb4i You have to logint o your myphpadmin in cpanel on your hosting company. Click your database, then SQL and paste those words in the SQL query box, and click “GO” . but backup your database before you do it to be safe.

    ok thanx a ton! thx DanStudio works like a charm ??


    Is having similar problems. All thumbs gone.

    I imagine there might be a few more thumbnail plugins having issues too.

    update_attached_file( $thumb_id, $new_file );

    from misthero seemed to work for Auto Post Thumbnail on new thumbnails.

    Anyone want to expand on if there is a key code that’s changed in the WP update that might lead to some fixes on other plugins?

    @dave i don’t use that plugin but the logic is the same, just change the variable names to reflect the one used in the function:

    that should be:
    update_attached_file( $idimg, $fullsizepath );

    add it after line 258 (thumbnailforexcertps.php), the result should be like this:

    wp_update_attachment_metadata( $idimg, wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $idimg, $fullsizepath));
    update_attached_file( $idimg, $fullsizepath );

    again, i don’t use that plugin, and don’t know if it works, try it and good luck.

    Anonymous User 7377746


    @gothickmatt Your first method worked for me thanks!


    I used this SQL query
    DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key = ‘_thumbnail_id’;

    with this all attached images thumbnails working but youtube videos thumbnails are not working.

    Adding update_attached_file( $thumb_id, $new_file ); to the plugin file seems to be the best solution. I’m actually using the auto featured image plugin but they seem to be very similar.

    I’ve found with auto featured image that whilst the solution works and attaches images to posts, all auto generated images are still unattached. This doesn’t seem to be a problem just now though perhaps will be in the future.

    @misthero Just tried out your code and so far so good on thumbnails for excerpts too!

    Excellent stuff, and many thanks for putting in the time to look.

    I’m putting the whole thing through some tests to make sure there’s nothing else being effected. But it all looks good so far.

    I’ll post on the excerpts plugin forum too with full credit to you.

    Many thanks again.

    i put this code in sql and executed (Go) DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key = ‘_thumbnail_id’;
    and i regented the plugin Auto Post Thumbnail but the same problemme no Thumbnail , i use the news today template and we have a choice in his option type of Thumbnail : *native Thumbnail ” or “timthumb” , i try this two option but no Thumbnail , help us plz

    [No bumping. If it’s that urgent, consider hiring someone.]

    Hello Folks,

    If the original developer Aditya who worked with us when he developed this does not respond in a few days I will fork this and provide a fix

    Bit confused.

    I added the code to the plugin file.

    Is there not some query I can run to re-attach all the old thumbnails back to their posts.

    Otherwise supposedly I have to :

    Delete all my old thumbnails from /uploads
    Run SQL query to delete them as featured images
    Run Auto Post Thumbnail again to generate thumbnails.

    I remember that when I first ran autothumbnail it attached the full size images into the posts and not thumbnails. So I ended up having to manually add everything.

    tariquesani tks!

    Since I’m not a programmer, only a final user, an update is going to be nice. I think it’s not safe for me to mess with the page codes after all ??

    Same here. I’m in need of an update for this plug-in…don’t dare touch any code. Hope one is coming soon. Thx

    Download a fixed version from here

    It just has the fix as outlined by misthero – so all thanks to him. As usual all caveats apply! Keep a backup of your database and cross all your fingers etc ??

    I do intend to develop this further and add a few features but that is for another day. Do let everyone know how this goes

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