Is the question more that this behavior is able to be changed when using the RSS method of importing, but when using the API-based publishing on this plugin there is no option to have articles post as drafts?
If the latter, then I’d agree that this would be a good feature, considering that we had that option when using the older RSS method. For some sites, we give the editorial staff the ability to choose which stories to go IA before they are published, so this is a needed feature for us.
Poking around at the code, line 120 of class-instant-articles-publisher.php, this seems to be hard-coded to publish if not in development mode.
if ( $dev_mode ) {
$published = false;
} else {
// Any publish status other than 'publish' means draft for the Instant Article.
$published = true;
Devs, is it possible to add a preference option or even a WP filter to this to allow publishers to control whether or not it will be published automatically?
Many thanks.