• After updating to WP 3.0.2, instead of running and displaying the log I get this instead:
    if (file_exists($_GET[‘wpabs’].’wp-load.php’) and is_numeric(trim($_GET[‘jobid’]))) {
    require_once($_GET[‘wpabs’].’wp-load.php’); /** Setup WordPress environment */
    check_admin_referer(‘dojob-now_’ . (int)$_GET[‘jobid’]);
    // flush any buffers and send the headers
    <?PHP backwpup_meta_no_cache(); ?>
    <title><?PHP _e(‘Do Job’,’backwpup’); ?></title>
    <body style=”font-family:monospace;font-size:12px;white-space:nowrap;”>
    } else {
    header(“HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found”);

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