• anonymized-7970383


    I got kicked from my shared webhosting cause of this plugin…..

    I Could just determine what was happening before they locked me out. The backup process was working for 2359 seconds, which is more than 39 minutes. This was just after I cleared the running process.

    Think this problem is related to other bugs where people get many log files and backups mailed to them.

    It sucked up a lot of process power of the shared server. It’ snow sunday and I guess my hosting provider will not sort this out today, so this sucks big time….

    I think this totally sucks and this plugin should be redrawn till the problem is solved.

    This looks like major stability issues and code issues, that break the plugin when WordPress gets a update.

    It’s a shame, cause the functionality is good.

    This needs to be sorted out very quickly by the developer…..

    In the mean time don’t install this plugin on a latest WP! Stay away from it! It can get you banned from your hosting provider!!!


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  • Thread Starter anonymized-7970383



    I second your opinion that Daniel needs to take action.

    Now here’s where I’ll help:

    1. Whenever installing backwpup, make sure you use a working e-mail address on your job and make sure that it emails you for ALL backups (both successful and unsuccessful ones). This way you’ll get pounded with emails if this happens to you.

    2. I am using W3 Total Cache. I have a feeling that this is causing something to happen continually, perhaps when caches get flushed.

    3. This happens on multiple servers for me. VPS, shared, etc. But all are Linux.

    4. Consider using https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wp-time-machine/ wptimemachine – if this has a same issue, then it could possibly be due to the cron, not your plugin.

    please test 1.7.4 and give feadback

    did you have configured the cron right?
    please send me a screen of the cron stetting in the job!

    @microberto and @mcBart:
    maybe you have problems with the plugin but I suggest just to deactivate it, take another one and just wait for WP 3.2 and BackWPup 2.0!
    I experienced that Daniel gives absolutely great support! I could test some beta versions of 2.0 and it’s really great!
    All of the problems reported here I never had on different servers/hosters. I doubt that it only relies on the plugin.

    Maybe you guys have made that the currend version was banned from the repository here which is a shame I think IMHO. You blame Daniel but just could use any other backup plugin here it’s just your choice. That’s also the truth and the freedom of using open source!

    I hope the WP.org team will put the current plugin branch 1.7.4 or so back here! And I really hope to see the 2.0 branch here.

    Greetinx, Dave from Germany ??

    if have found and fixed same problems when the job working time is false set. I have uploded Version 1.7.5 with this fix. I hope this will resilve the poblem wit the to often work of job for some people.

    in 1.7.4 if have set down the script working time to max. of 5 min!

    other fixes i can only do if i have good error massages, log, and many informations…… that not many people gives me!


    I agree with you, I now can’t find the plugin on the repository either. I have this plugin working on a number of sites and it is only on the largest site that I had the above issues and this only happened since 3.1.2. If it doesn’t work just deactivate and move on. I suspect that the reason for not moving on is the plugin’s feature set.

    This plugin is not a typical copy-paste and plugin code, it is a sophisticated application being created and supported by a good person for Free. In my opinion it is on pare with plugins like W3 Total Cache – which on a couple of sites I’ve had to deactivate instead of taking the time to figure out what was wrong.

    Honestly I don’t understand the wrathfulness of the comments about a guy who is creating a very complex backup application for FREE.

    I say if it isn’t working for you deactivate, move on, but I suspect that there is very little free backup solutions that provide as many options and features as BackWPup


    now if have found the bug with the clear button if youb ends corectly too.

    It was a losing sql connection……… it is fixed in 1.7.6

    Ok, wow.. Microbert, et al need to take a step back. You act like Daniel insulted your mother and stole your money.

    I suspect you wouldn’t put up with your work being insulted in a public forum like Daniel has. Not only has he created and released this plugin for you to use, he’s actively developing it. This is a fantastic plugin, it’s FREE, and I suspect that the issues you’re having are related to other plugins installed alongside it.

    I’ve installed Daniel’s plugin on about 2 dozens sites and it works quite nicely. I know there are some issues with it too (file backups), but man. Let’s lose the bold print and exclamations and demands that he “FIX HIS CODE IMMEDIATELY!!!” You sound like a child that didn’t get his favorite flavor of ice cream. Oh yeah, and the ice cream was free to boot.

    MY only complaint is that I can no longer find any version of this plugin in the repository. Any idea where it went Daniel?

    Thread Starter anonymized-7970383


    Hi Daniel

    1) Thats is great to hear.
    2) It’s a pity that you didn’t look into this earlier. That made a very bad impression.
    3) I really like all the features from this plugin ??
    4) I really hope the next version will work great and has no nast bugs, which gets me band from my webhosting


    I don’t agree with you.
    1) When a plugin only false you are right.
    2) It did not only failed, but also got me and other people band by there hosting company. This is a very very bad behavior form a pugin and I am glad that the current flawed version is band. After these reports coming in only two actions are appropriate. 1) fix the bug asap 2) remove the plugin from eh library. Reason: The plugin is causing harmful behavior.

    Also open source programmers have responsibilities for there software.
    If software causes harmful behavior, action should be taken immediately.
    If not users can and should communicate, both, the harmful behavior and the developers lack of action openly in the appropriate forums. That is also part of Opensource and the Opensource movement. The strength of creating better software in a iterative process.

    Thread Starter anonymized-7970383



    That fact that it works for you should not make you assume it works for all.
    More than one users got his account closed by his hosting provider. That is a *major* thing.

    What MicroBerto did was give Daniel a wakup call. I tried to, but it didn’t work MicroBerto’s wakeup call did work. The bug is fixe in no time.

    The functionality of this plugin is really great.
    The runaway was very bad and with great consequences.
    It’s a pitty that Daniel didn’t asses this in the right way.

    A harsh wakeup call did the trick. We all learned.
    I hope you see what process has taken place here. So don’t bash people for teh wrong reasons.

    I don’t agree with you either because I had the plugin working on a lot of projects since version 1.3 or so. The projects are on different hosting servers from different companies. I really assume that the error you was experiencing ALSO came from false settings in the cron or maybe a not good shared hosting or so.

    The only thing YOU should had done:
    – deactivating plugin
    – THEN write a bug report so Daniel could get into YOUR problem
    – THEN install another one.

    Blaming a plugin author in this way is not so nice behaviour IMHO. And blaming authors in a general way helps nobody.

    Daniel said that he gets rarely detailed bug reports so this is really an issue. He CANNOT be aware of all hosting settings around the world.

    It’s OPEN SOURCE so you can contribute. If you want some paid premium backup plugins you have to pay a lot of money but it’s not much better than BackWPup. So I really don’t get it what’s your story is all about.


    Thread Starter anonymized-7970383



    1st) The plugin was flawed and harmful. more than one peson got banned from his hosting account using it. That’s really bad. That it works for you oke, but this plugin wasn’t stable. Daniel confirms this implicit by making a large code rewrite

    2d) Please don’t try to tell me what I should do or not. I don’t take people that say what I should or shouldn’t do very seriously. So please refrain from giving useless comments in this discussion.

    3rd) You haven’t read and understood this thread very well. Please read and try to understand why people say what the say.

    Of course I’ve read your posts.
    For me it’s some statistics: I heard from a lot of people that this plugin worked/works and they are very satisfied. Even WP beginners… ??
    A few people had/have problems with it these may come from combination of plugin AND server issues.
    So for me this software is NOT harmful or such in general. It’s a pity that it was not working for you!

    I am really not saying what you SHOULD do. I just meant what have been possible… Get it?

    I follow the development of this plugin for almost a year now and regularly read the forum here. Just was frustrated to see this plugin removed by WP.org which I believe was mistake! — So a lot of people that are STILL using it without problems may have been problems now to get proper updates and further documentation. So this whole “story” didn’t help anybody in the right way. Just trouble for all – also the users not directly involved…

    I hope you can accept this a bit!

    Thanx, dave.

    Hello all,

    With the devlopment of my 2.0 version i have first fond some problems in the old version.
    I don’t hve fixed the old, because i don’t find the problems, becasue no deteild problem descriptions….

    The las bug i have fixed cames for a losing sql connection on loooong working jobs. the update_option() function form wordpress has not saved the changes and gives no error that the connection is lost! That the sql connection can lost if have see the first time on testing 2.0. And than i thik is it the same problem on the old version…

    The rewrite of code i have done for better preformance not for bug fixes!

    The fixes inculed olso that the jobs have a max. execution time and not a unlimeted! I must say that i’m thing that Hosters terminates scripts that working too loog, that could i see on my tests (old and new version). Webservers have a max execution time of 300 sec. mostly if php in Aspi mode and if it in cgi mode the prozesse must be controoled vom a other program……

    i thing i will set up a tickt system in future for bug reports, and hope that im become better problem messages and so on.

    last i say is that i only can fix when i now where the problem is and than i will fix old versions too!

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