Hi Acreo Aeneas,
Sorry for the inconvenience at your end. It seems that there has been a misunderstanding. Banckle Live Chat, is offered without charge for 1 Agent, 3 Concurrent Chats and 1 Department under the Free plan.(Please see towards the end of the page).
Like all other Banckle Collaborative and Social Apps, Banckle Live Chat also comes under the One Year Free promotion to the first 10,000 registered companies. Once this promotion is over, an industry-usual one month trial will be offered to new subscribers after which they can opt for one of our highly affordable and competitive pricing plans for Banckle Live Chat. Customized pricing plans are also available upon request. Presently, we are just under the 10,000 registered companies mark so we would request you to sign up for our one year free promotion.
What seemed to have gone awry is that our sign up functionality seemed to be giving errors to some sign up requests. Our team of support engineers have fixed this issue. Our sign-up functionality has been fixed. Feel free to sign up now and enjoy your full year of using Banckle Live Chat under the Free Plan.
I apologize again for the delay and inconvenience. We hope that we have cleared up the misunderstanding. We also hope that like the thousands of users of Banckle Live Chat you too now go on to enjoy the wonderful benefits of this One Year Free promotion.
– Banckle Marketplace Support Team