• Hello,
    I thought it was easy to add a single Google Map inside a jQuery tab of my template, but this task turned to a nightmare. I have already tested several WP plugins, but none of them is able to fully show a Google Map inside a jQuery Tab, due to a well-known conflict between jQuery and Google Map API v3.

    As Basic Google Maps Placemarks looks as one of the most promising plugins, I wonder if the developer does have any suggestion to make his plugin work inside a (non-selected) jQuery tab. You can have a look of my work in progress here:


    (click the “map” tab to see how BGMP plugin does look like…)

    I’ve got another question too. On the Installation notes it is reported that

    It’s not possible to detect when do_shortcode() is used, so you need to manually let the plugin know to load the files by adding this code to your theme:<snip>…update the function names and filter arguments, and then add the slugs of any pages/posts containing the map to $shortcodePageSlugs.

    I have discovered that the only way to make this plugin work on my test page is to add manually the slug of that page to the function.php file… Is that the only way to do it? I could become mad if I have to add manually each page slug to that PHP file… I’m looking forward to use about 800 pages with maps on my sites, and that manual technique would be highly impractical.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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  • Plugin Author Ian Dunn


    I can’t help with your first problem, but if you want to include the scripts on all pages instead of having to manually add each slug, you can just do this in your theme or a functionality plugin:

    add_filter( 'bgmp_map-shortcode-called', '__return_true' );
    Thread Starter Nightjar


    Hi Ian, thanks for your reply.

    >I can’t help with your first problem

    Does that mean that there is absolutely no way to use your Google Map plugin within any jQuery-driven tab?

    I’m not a programmer, but considering how jQuery tabs and accordions are widespread today, it looks quite weird that we just can’t show a Google Map inside one of them… Apart from putting it on the very first tab!

    Best regards.

    Plugin Author Ian Dunn


    It sounds like the issue is a conflict w/ Google Maps and jQuery tabs, so it’s not specific to any particular plugin; you’d have the same problem embedding a map directly without using any plugin. It should be possible, but it may take a lot of time to figure out how to workaround the conflict. I just don’t have time to support everything, so I stick to covering the core functionality.


    I struggled with this issue for more than a year and found a very simple solution. You don’t need any google map plugins, just the “iframe” plugin.

    Go to maps.google.com, input the address you want, and click the “link” icon to get the link’s code (it’s an iframe).

    When you insert the iframe, just set the width to “100%” instead of a px value, and set the height to whatever you want, example:
    width=”100%” height=”350px”

    You’ll need the iframe plugin, because wordpress will erase the iframe code when you switch between HTML and VISUAL editors.

    It works great for me!

    I experienced the same issue and I had to drop using the plugin with tabs, unfortunately. Too bad as splitting a content into parts with tabs is really convenient in use at frontend for site visitors. Maybe there could be a way to insert maps via your plugin via iframe, too? Or maybe there is another solution?

    @azlivin008 – you’re right. But then you can’t use any placemarks created with the plugin…

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