Hi all,
I am getting the same issue on several of my sites but only the ones using themes builder and child themes.
I put in a support request to them and they have some useful info hopefully to help provide a fix?
Chris Jean – their developer guru (who is really helpful also) suggested:
The problem is that the code in Better WP Security is not properly handling the value returned by the fetch_feed function. While the codex listing for that function doesn’t list that it can return a WP_Error object in the event of an error, the example code does show checking to ensure that the returned value is not an error. However, Better WP Security’s code is not doing this. Specifically, it is doing the following:
$feed = fetch_feed( $this->feed ); //get the feed
$feeditems = $feed->get_items( 0, $feed->get_item_quantity( 5 ) ); //narrow feed to last 5 items
Since the value of what the $feed variable actually holds is not checked, and it is simply assumed that the request to get the feed was successful, any failure to retrieve or parse the requested feed will end up causing a fatal error.
So, the cause of the error is a mistake in the coding of the Better WP Security plugin.
I recommend contacting the author of the plugin or creating a support request on its support forum and ask that this coding error is corrected. Feel free to copy and paste what I have provided here.
Hope this helps in some way to solving the problem which still seems to be effecting some of us.