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  • Plugin Author John Havlik


    Add it infront of your calling code. If you are using the included widget there isn’t a way to do this *yet* (I will fix it in the next version).

    +1 this would be awesome, any idea on ETA?

    Plugin Author John Havlik


    Support was added in the widget for 4.1. Otherwise my previous comments still stands (no point in it being a setting when you can easily add it in front of your calling code).

    I simply use CSS

    .breadcrumb:before {
     content: 'You are here: ';
     display: inline;

    can i add link that way?
    Actually my GeeksPortal is a sub-directory and don’t want to change to WP multisite thats why.
    I want “Home” to link the main site and then GeeksPortal

    Plugin Author John Havlik


    Well your linked site isn’t even using Breadcrumb NavXT so I’m not sure how this is going to really help you. My method still holds for links, Miguel’s doesn’t.

    Regardless, if you were using Breadcrumb NavXT, and did the smart thing of using the multisite feature in WordPress for the main and subsite (GeeksPortal as a network/subsite) then Breadcrumb NavXT can do what you’re trying to do automatically. It’s actually more of a pain to maintain multiple installs than it is to have one install and multiple sites on it.

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