I’ll try to explain what is really happening there, so you guys can fix it rather than ignore what people are posting here.
When on wp-admin/tools.php?page=p3-profiler you click the ‘Start Scan’ button it loads modal overlay first. I suppose that page preview window and ‘Scan Name’ input were intended to be presented in modal window. However modal overlay is over mentioned input and everything else is under modal overlay. This means there is no access to any controls or input boxes. Therefore no scan can be performed. You can exit overlay by pressing escape on your keyboard or by refreshing the page.
The problem is with styles being inherited form jquerry-ui-dialog-min.css for .ui-front where z-index: 100; while .ui-widget-overlay in the same file z-index: 300001;
We don’t want to change jQerry files as they might be used elsewhere, but we can use p3.css to override jQuerry css.
1. open the file /wp-content/plugins/p3-profiler/css/p3.css
2. Scroll down to line 67 (just below /** jQuery UI Dialog overrides **/)
3. Paste the following code and save
.ui-front {
z-index: 100 !important;
I know it is not the best fix but you are welcome to improve it. At least it makes the plugin usable again. I don’t have the time to fix messed up close buttons on dialog boxes.
I hope this helps